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PM: UK Won't Support Israeli Attack On Iran

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  • PM: UK Won't Support Israeli Attack On Iran


    March 16, 2012 - 19:08 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The UK would not support Israel if it decided to
    launch a strike against Iran, Prime Minister David Cameron has said.

    In an interview with NBC's Brian Williams, Cameron said his government
    had warned the Israelis against taking military action in a bid to
    prevent Iran potentially developing nuclear weapons.

    "I don't think as we stand today that military action by Israel would
    be justified," Cameron said. "I don't think the Israelis should take
    that action now. We told them they shouldn't and said we wouldn't
    support it if they did."

    Instead, the prime minister advocated a combination of sanctions
    and incentives to convince Tehran not to pursue nuclear weapons -
    including allowing them nuclear power plants.

    However, Cameron warned, "we take nothing off the table." Britain
    would not rule out military action altogether, he said, depending on
    how the situation develops.

    His comments echo those of US President Barack Obama, who has said
    that no option is off the table when it comes to preventing Iran
    becoming nuclear-armed, but advocated political rather than military
    pressure first.

    Iran would ultimately be willing to give "full transparency" on its
    nuclear program with "permanent human monitoring," Mohammad Javad
    Larijani, a senior adviser to Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali
    Khamenei, told CNN in an interview. In exchange, Tehran demands the
    full rights allowed signatories of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation

    "The Western community can ask us for more transparency," Larijani
    said. "What we want in place of that is cooperation."

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has indicated that his
    country could be willing to act without its allies to stop what it
    perceives as an urgent nuclear threat.

    "An Israeli prime minister can not hand over the ability to act
    against this threat [of a nuclear-armed Iran] to others," Netanyahu
    told parliament earlier this week, Global Post reported citing Haaretz.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress