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500th Anniversary Of Armenian Printing Celebrated By TCA

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  • 500th Anniversary Of Armenian Printing Celebrated By TCA

    By Kevork Keushkerian
    Posted on March 16, 2012 by Editor

    ALTADENA, Calif. - The Tekeyan Cultural Association (TCA)
    Pasadena-Glendale Chapter hosted a lecture on the occasion of the
    500th anniversary of Armenian printing. It took place on Sunday,
    March 4, at the Beshgeturian Center. Rev. Dr. Zaven Arzoumanian was
    the guest lecturer. Very Rev. Kegham Zakarian and George Mandossian,
    vice president of TCA's Central Board of Directors, were among the

    Kevork Keushkerian, who made the opening remarks, noted that a unique
    exhibition dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the first Armenian
    printed book will be held in the Library of Congress in Washington,
    DC for three months, starting in April. He then introduced Arzoumanian,
    who spoke next.

    Arzaoumanian was born in Cairo, Egypt. In 1949, he went to the
    seminary of Antelias in Lebanon and was ordained a celibate priest
    in 1954. After serving in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for two years as
    the parish priest of the Armenian Church there, he went to London to
    further his studies.

    Arzoumanian came to the United States in 1962 and served as parish
    priest in the Eastern Diocese for 40 years - first in Philadelphia and
    then in Boca Raton, Fla. He was then invited to the Western Diocese,
    where he served as the parish priest of St. Gregory Armenian Church in
    Pasadena for three years. He is now retired and lives with his wife,
    Joyce, in Glendale.

    Arzoumanian received his doctorate in eastern languages and history
    from Columbia University in 1983. He is well known for publishing the
    History of the Armenian Church from 1900 to 1995. This is considered to
    be the continuation of Patriarch Malachia Ormanian's famous Azkabadoum.

    Arzoumanian began his lecture by discussing the origin of Armenian
    printing. The first Armenian book was printed in 1512 in Venice,
    Italy, by Hagop Meghabard. It was a secular book called Ourpatakeerk.

    This was followed by five other books, including the Liturgical Book,
    which is placed on the alter and used by the priest during Divine
    Liturgy. Arzoumanian noted that Venice should not be confused with the
    Mkhitarian Monastery on St. Lazarus Island, which came into existence
    some 200 years later.

    The first Armenian Bible was printed in Amsterdam, Holland, exactly
    150 years after the printing of the first Armenian book in Venice. It
    was printed by Vosgan Vartabed Yerevantsi and commissioned by the
    Holy See of Echmiadzin.

    After Amsterdam, the printing of Armenian books continued in
    Istanbul, Turkey, before a print shop was established in the Holy
    See of Echmiadzin. Arzoumanian concluded his lec- ture with a short
    question-and-answer session.

    Afterwards, Keushkerian recited related sections from a poem dedicated
    to Mesrob Mashdots by Siamanto. Khatchig Nahabedian then performed
    a song dedicated to the Armenian language. The evening ended with a
    light reception for the audience.

    TCA Pasadena-Glendale chapter's next event will be the commemoration
    of the Armenian troubadour Sayat Nova's 300th birthday. It will be
    held on Sunday, May 20, at the Beshgeturian Center; guest lecturer
    will be musicologist-conductor Vatsche Barsoumian, the director of
    Lark Musical Society.
