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Diyarbakır's Sur Municipality Offers Courses for Armenian

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  • Diyarbakır's Sur Municipality Offers Courses for Armenian

    Hurriyet, Turkey
    March 17 2012

    Diyarbakır's Sur Municipality Offers Courses for Armenian

    Saturday, 17 March 2012

    The Sur District Municipality in the southeastern province of
    Diyarbakır has launched Armenian language courses for both its
    employees and other enthusiasts, building upon its earlier initiative
    to provide Kurdish courses.

    `We want the same for those outside of us as what we want for
    ourselves. That is a must for democracy. If I want Kurds to have the
    right to education in their mother tounge, then I also want this for
    Armenians, Syriacs and other peoples, too,' said Sur District Mayor
    Abdullah DemirbaÅ?. Some 40 people, including children and the elderly,
    are currently attending the Armenian language courses that are offered
    four days a week by Fikri Ã?alıÅ?, a volunteer teacher dispatched by the
    Armenian community in Istanbul.

    `We provided Kurdish courses before. Now we [are offering] Armenian
    courses, and we are thinking about giving Syriac courses later on,'
    Mayor DemirbaÅ? said.
    The courses were jointly organized by the Diyarbakır Armenian
    Community Foundation and the Kurdish Language Research and Advancement
    Association (Kürdi ` Der).

    It would strengthen Turkey's unity to receive education in different
    languages, Mayor Demirbaþ said, adding that they would continue
    providing multi`lingual municipal services.

    The students are currently attending the courses at a room in a
    building owned by Kürdi - Der, according to reports.

    Saturday, 17 March 2012

