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Azerbaijan Between the Hammer & the Anvil

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  • Azerbaijan Between the Hammer & the Anvil

    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    March 16, 2012 Friday


    Yaroslav Vyatkin
    Source: Argumenty Nedeli, No. 9, March 11-17, 2012, p. 20
    [translated from Russian]

    The Ambassador of Azerbaijan in Iran was called to the Iranian Foreign
    Ministry recently to provide explanations about the upcoming purchase
    of weapons worth $1.6 billion by Baku from Israel, an enemy of Iran.
    There the Ambassador released an official statement saying that the
    armament was bought "to liberate the occupied land of Azerbaijan"
    meaning the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. What is this, another
    ritual phrase or the matter is driving towards a war really?

    The Ambassador of Azerbaijan in Iran was called to the Iranian Foreign
    Ministry recently to provide explanations about the upcoming purchase
    of weapons worth $1.6 billion by Baku from Israel, an enemy of Iran.
    There the Ambassador released an official statement saying that the
    armament was bought "to liberate the occupied land of Azerbaijan"
    meaning the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. What is this, another
    ritual phrase or the matter is driving towards a war really?

    Deal with Israel

    The Ambassador was called because of the deal with Israeli armament
    corporation IAI. Azerbaijan bought military hardware from this company
    before, for example, small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). However,
    the present package is special. Israel will sell UAVs with long flight
    duration Heron and Searcher (the latter is produced in Russia under
    Forpost name), as well as radio technical reconnaissance stations. The
    package also includes two radar stations Green Pine. These stations
    are parts of Israeli antimissile defense system Khets-2. Baku
    evidently wants to use them as radar stations of early warning about
    launches of Armenian, Iranian and probably Russian tactical theater

    There is also information that the newest middle-range air defense
    missile systems Barak-8 with range of up to 70-120 kilometers created
    by Israel for India are ordered too. In any case, this system did not
    even pass tests yet and such acquisition looked like a "pig in a

    Purchases of the most modern weapons

    Azerbaijan that receives big revenues from oil and gas production is
    one of the biggest buyers of armament now. The country already grew
    over the stage of purchase of "secondhand" Ukrainian, Bulgarian and
    Belarusian armament and started purchasing the most modern hardware.

    Among the main suppliers of modern armament are Russia, Israel and
    Turkey. Quite recently, Azerbaijan purchased new air defense missile
    system S-300PMU-2. Armenia does not have such system and has older
    version of S-300PT-1. Azerbaijan buys armored personnel carriers
    BTR-80A and armored trucks KamAZ. In South African Republic Azerbaijan
    bough armored vehicles of MRAP class. Purchase of Cobra armored
    vehicles in Turkey looks strange. Azerbaijani military officials say
    that "servicemen in neighboring Georgia are very happy with them and
    the protection is suitable for them."

    Georgian are probably content with them but in August of 2008 several
    such vehicles were damaged and captured by Russian servicemen. The
    verdict of specialists could be characterized briefly as "weekly
    armored trash." Baku evidently does a favor to its Turkish patrons in
    such way.

    T-90S and Mi-35M

    Azerbaijani tanks T-72AV purchased in Belarus and Ukraine were
    modernized by the Israelis according to the scheme similar to that of
    modernization of Georgian tanks before the August war. These
    T-72-SIM-1 were captured by Russian servicemen and were well
    appreciated by specialists. Along with this, it was said that
    modernization of the firing control system without replacement of the
    gun and stabilizer drives (Israelis cannot do this without us) had
    only a limited effect.

    Officials in Baku made the same decision and bought T-90S. Neither the
    quantity nor the configuration of the tank is known yet. Azerbaijan
    also manifests its interest in T-90MS Tagil, the newest export deeply
    modernized tank.

    Special attention is paid to long-range destruction of Armenian
    fortified installations in Nagorno-Karabakh and prevention of coming
    of reserves from Armenia. From Ukraine Azerbaijan bought multiple
    rocket launcher systems Smerch and Uragan, long-range artillery
    systems Giatsint and Pion, tactical missile systems Tochka-U and from
    Israel Azerbaijan bought modernized multiple rocket launcher systems
    Grad-LAR. The contract on supply of 24 combat helicopters Mi-35M from
    Russia is currently being fulfilled.

    It is necessary to remark that Moscow tries to compensate for any sale
    of weapons to Azerbaijan by armament supply to Armenia. Armenia as a
    CSTO member receives weapons with discounts but it cannot buy weapons
    in the same quantities as the neighbor. Along with this, it is obvious
    that something will be supplied to Yerevan soon too, possibly even on

    To be continued in the next issue of the bulletin
