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Tens of thousands protest German award for Turkish premier

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  • Tens of thousands protest German award for Turkish premier

    Deutsche Welle, Germany
    March 17, 2012 Saturday 6:07 PM EST

    Tens of thousands protest German award for Turkish premier

    More than 20,000 people have taken part in a protest against the
    Turkish prime minister in Germany. They were undeterred by the fact
    that Recep Tayyip Erdogancanceled his appearance to collect an award
    for tolerance.

    Police said around 22,000 people participated in a protest march
    against Turkish premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the western German
    city of Bochum.

    Alevi Muslims made up the majority of the demonstrators as they
    protested against oppression of minorities in Turkey, according to
    police. The Alevi, who believe in a distinct form of Shi'ite Islam,
    primarily live in Turkey.

    "We do not feel like we are represented by Erdogan," the secretary
    general of the Alevi community in Germany, Ali Dogan told news agency
    DPA. He is a full-fledged anti-democrat who should not receive any
    prize for humanity and straightforwardness."

    Hundreds of Kurds and Armenians also protested.

    The demonstration was meant to coincide with Erdogan's visit to the
    city to receive the Steiger Award for tolerance. However, the awards'
    organizers announced earlier on Saturday that Erdogan had canceled his
    evening appearance due to a Turkish helicopter crash in Afghanistan
    that killed 17 people.

    The Steiger Award stems from a private initiative and honors
    personalities for tolerance, humanity and a record of social
    advancement. Now in its seventh year, the current laureates include
    Sweden's Queen Silvia, former German President Horst Köhler, fashion
    designer Wolfgang Joop and rock musician Lou Reed.

    Erdogan was due to collect the award as a representative of the
    Turkish people in honor of 50 years of Turkish-German friendship.

    'Opposite of tolerance'

    Conservative and Green politicians had on Friday criticized presenting
    the award to Erdogan.

    The secretary general of the CSU, the Bavarian sister party to
    Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats, Alexander Dobrindt,
    described bestowing the award on Erdogan as "tasteless" and "bizarre."

    "The gross opposite of tolerance prevails in Erdogan's country, namely
    repression of religious and ethnic minorities, insufficient press
    freedom and an absence of equal opportunities for women," Dobrindt

    Green party spokesman Memet Kilic said Erdogan neither promoted
    improved ties with Europe "nor tolerance and religious freedoms."

    The German journalists' association DJV was also critical. Erdogan
    carried "the political responsibility for permanent violations of
    press freedom in Turkey, for reprisals against journalists critical of
    the government and for arbitrary arrests of reporters," said DJV head
    Michael Konken on Freitag in Berlin. Honoring Erdogan amounted to
    ignoring the fundamental right to freedom of expression, he added.

    The organizers said the Steiger Awards ceremony would still be held on
    Saturday despite Erdogan's absence.
