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Turkish premier cancels German awards ceremony visit

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  • Turkish premier cancels German awards ceremony visit

    Deutsche Welle, Germany
    March 17, 2012 Saturday 9:07 AM EST

    Turkish premier cancels German awards ceremony visit

    Organizers of a controversial award ceremony honoring Turkish Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the German city of Bochum say he has
    called off his visit to receive the award.

    Organizers in the German city of Bochum, who had faced hefty criticism
    over a social advancement award intended for Turkish Prime Minister
    Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday, cited Friday's Turkish helicopter
    crash in Afghanistan as the reason for the cancellation.

    Police in Bochum had been mobilizing for an anticipated 20,000
    protestors opposed to Erdogan receiving the citation, including
    minorities such as Kurds, Armenians and the Alevis religious community
    critical of Turkey's recent human rights record.

    The so-called Steiger Award intended for Erdogan had also drawn
    condemnation from Germany's governing conservatives, the opposition
    Greens and the German journalists' trade union, the DJV.

    Friday's crash of a Turkish Sikorsky helicopter near Kabul killed 12
    Turkish soldiers and four Afghan civilians. It was by far the
    deadliest incident involving Turkish troops in Afghanistan, where they
    have been assigned a noncombat role with US-led NATO forces.

    Award with coal-mining ethos

    The Steiger Award, reminiscent of Ruhr District's coal mining
    tradition and the leadership role of pit foreman known in German as
    "steiger," stems from a private initiative and honors personalities
    for perceived tolerance, humanity and record of social advancement.

    Award organizer Sachsa Hellen told DW on Saturday that Erdogan had
    called off his trip to Germany because of the Turkish helicopter crash
    in Afghanistan. The rest of the ceremony for 10 other recipients was
    expected to proceed as intended. Initiated in 2005, the Steiger Award
    has gone previously to Queen Silvia of Sweden, the fashion designer
    Wolfgang Joop and Germany's ex-president Horst Köhler.

    Organizers said they had picked Erdogan to mark 50 years of
    German-Turkish friendship that began in the early 1960s with the
    recruitment of what Germany then called Turkish "guest workers." Some
    three million people of Turkish origin now live in Germany.

    Bizarre, says Bavarian CSU

    On Friday, Alexander Dobrindt, the General Secretary of Bavaria's
    governing conservative Christian Social Union (CSU) - a partner in
    Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition - had described the Steiger
    invitation to Erdogan as "tasteless" and "bizarre."

    "The gross opposite of tolerance prevails in Erdogan's country, namely
    repression of religious and ethnic minorities, insufficient press
    freedom and an absence of equal opportunities for women," Dobrindt

    A statement released by the Alevis Community in Germany said the prize
    planned for Erdogan would be a "slap in the face for all minorities in

    The Greens' spokesman on migratory issues in the German Bundestag
    parliament, Memet Kilic, said that, despite Turkey's quest for EU
    membership, Erdogan neither promoted improved ties with Europe "nor
    tolerance and religious freedoms."

    Since the mid-1980s, a struggle between Turkish authorities and
    Kurdish separatists has resulted in some 40,000 deaths. In recent
    years, Erdogan's government has promulgated reforms, such as allowing
    Kurdish language broadcasting.

    On Women's Day, 8 March, Turkey's parliament passed laws aimed at
    protecting women from domestic abuse while women's rights activists
    highlighted patriarchal outrages, including "honor killings."

    On Friday, Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan admitted that Turkey's
    slow legal system often left suspects jailed for years without a
    conviction. Several thousand Turkish complainants have cases pending
    with the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

    ipj/rc (dpa, AFP, AP, Reuters)
