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Only time will solve Karabakh conflict - Russian expert

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  • Only time will solve Karabakh conflict - Russian expert

    Only time will solve Karabakh conflict - Russian expert
    March 17, 2012 | 18:33

    For the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh much time and generation
    change is needed, Kiril Tanayev, Director General of the Foundation
    for Effective Politics (FEP), told Voice of Russia.

    According to him, the Karabakh conflict is one of the issues, which
    are not solved very fast.

    `Much blood has been shed between the two countries. It is a very
    painful subject both for Armenia and Azerbaijan. It is quite obvious
    that if today any politician, any country leader were to make serious
    moves for the benefit of the other country than a revolution might
    break out. That's why all the politicians take the opposite and harder
    disposition concerning the conflict,' he announced.

    According to him, time must pass, passions must lie down and a new
    generation must come which will perceive things differently.

    From: Baghdasarian