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Industrial Board's inaugural session clarifies major industry sector

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  • Industrial Board's inaugural session clarifies major industry sector

    Armenian Industrial Board's inaugural session clarifies major industry sectors
    March 17, 2012 | 17:15

    YEREVAN. - Armenian PM Tigran Sargsyan chaired first session of the
    Prime Ministerial Industrial Board.

    During the session, Economy Minister Tigran Davtyan noted that three
    branch councils were formed within his ministry, and on the
    state-private sector principle, the Government Press Service informed

    The Minister informed that, in accordance with the industrial
    strategy, Armenia's export is planned be doubled by the year 2015 and
    reach US$ 2.1 billion, and to be tripled by 2020 and reach $2.8-3.3
    billion. In line with the Economy Minister's report, Armenia's
    industrial growth constituted 14.1 percent in 2011. And the total
    industrial approached AMD 1 trillion (approx. $2,558,430,257). The
    industry's share in the country's GDP likewise increased.

    Tigran Davtyan also noted that the legislative basis for the creation
    of free economic zones is fully developed, too.

    In the Minister's words, the state's assistance to the private sector
    is being implemented with success, and, as a result, investment
    projects totaling AMD 85 billion (approx. $217,466,571) will be
    carried out.

    Afterward, the Board clarified the country's major industry sectors,
    and in accordance with their branches.

    Also, the session pointed to the directions in which the state will
    provide technical and financial support to the private sector.

    The session participants also discussed the allocating of some
    subsidies for the interest rates of the loans being provided from the
    state resources and which are intended for production and export
