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New President Of Southern Connecticut State University Diving Right

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  • New President Of Southern Connecticut State University Diving Right

    By Pamela McLoughlin

    New Haven Register
    March 18 2012

    The new Southern Connecticut State University President Mary Papazian
    is greeted and welcomed by student Judith Jarrett-Smith of New Haven
    as Papazian walks across campus to an appointment. Photo by Mara
    Lavitt/New Haven Register

    NEW HAVEN - Southern Connecticut State University's new president,
    Mary A. Papazian, is a scholar for sure, but she also has a gift for
    warmly connecting with students and listening to what's on their minds.

    Just a few weeks into her new and busy role, Papazian took the time
    to meet with students casually over pizza in the student center at
    peak lunchtime.

    "Help yourself to pizza. It's food and it's free - I know that's a
    big thing with students," she told a student after gabbing about his
    course selections.

    Students of many ages chatted with her about tuition costs,
    the direction of Southern, campus building renovations, parking,
    sororities and even blue laws.

    On subjects she didn't know anything about, such as a popular war game
    using miniature figures, Papazian was able to keep the conversation
    going easily, which wasn't lost on the 20something set.

    "I have to admit, I'm impressed," said senior Sebastian McDaniel
    of Trumbull. "She was interested and actually able to keep up with
    the topics."

    Student government member Leslie Betters, chairwoman of the student
    advocacy committee, said of Papazian: "She's very down to earth,
    and we like that."

    Papazian, a mother of two girls, Ani, 18, and Marie, 13, is married to
    Dennis R. Papazian, a longtime professor of history with a specialty
    in Russian history, and founding director of the Armenian Research
    Center at the University of Michigan, Dearborn.

    The two, steeped in Armenian traditions, and she, also active in that
    broader community, have kept that sense of history alive with their
    kids. The Armenian American media covered her appointment as SCSU
    president with a sense of pride.

    As a teenager in Los Angeles, Mary Papazian attended Ferrahian
    High School, the first Armenian American High School in the
    nation. She said it was a "wonderful small" school with a college
    preparatory environment - not that Papazian was ever short on academic
    self-motivation. She and her three brothers, who all earned advanced
    degrees, grew up in a family committed to education. Continued...

    Her mother was a teacher, with English literature her area of
    expertise, and her father was self-employed. Both were avid readers.

    Her parents met on the UCLA campus.

    There were always books around, and Papazian remembers frequent trips
    to the library. The family traveled throughout the country every summer
    by hopping into the station wagon, so Papazian has been to 47 states.

    "My favorite place in this country is Yosemite. ... I love natural
    beauty," she said.

    Papazian, who knew from age 5 that she wanted to go to the University
    of California, Los Angeles, to study English, did just that. She
    earned three degrees, including a doctorate in English literature,
    graduating Summa Cum Laude and elected to Phi Beta Kappa, 1981.

    Her scholarship focuses on the 17th century English poet and clergyman
    John Donne, and she has written numerous articles and edited two books
    on the topic. A familiar line from his work and one of her favorites
    is, "Never send to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

    Papazian likes that it talks about how we are all connected through

    She has published a number of books, her most recent being, "Sacred
    and Profane in English Renaissance Literature."

    Before coming to Southern, she was provost and senior vice president
    for academic affairs and professor of English at Lehman College of
    the City University of New York.

    Board of Regents Chairman Lewis Robinson said, "Southern Connecticut
    State University students, faculty and staff will get to know Dr.

    Papazian as a hardworking, strong and visionary president - just the
    type of person we want to see as the leader of one of our campuses."

    Board of Regents President Robert Kennedy said Papazian is a
    "fantastic choice."

    "Her strong academic and administrative experience, and importantly,
    her work strengthening and supporting research and development
    at Lehman College will be of great benefit to Southern's campus,"
    Kennedy said. Continued...

    1234See Full Story Papazian has great visions for SCSU, including
    fostering its intellectual community, strengthening academics,
    bringing cutting-edge environment to the campus, strong research,
    commitment to social justice and growing in areas that are in demand
    in the career arena.

    "We're looking to really educate leaders of the next generation,"
    she said." At the end of the day, we want them to graduate with a
    degree that has meaning. We're in a 21st century global economy."

    After a whirlwind start a few weeks ago, Papazian is still sizing
    the place up for strengths and areas that need work.

    "I've been trying to meet with as many members of the community as I
    can," including students, faculty and community leaders, Papazian said.

    "It's a wonderful community; it's extraordinarily warm. I'm impressed
    by how everyone wants to see the community prosper.

    "One of my long-term goals is to ensure that Southern continues to
    be a very significant player in the higher education landscape in
    the state of Connecticut and the region."

    As much as she loves the leadership role, Papazian also still finds
    the classroom "energizing," so students shouldn't be surprised if
    she's teaching a class here some day.

    "I may jump in," she said.

    Papazian, who is still commuting from New Jersey, where her daughter
    is finishing the school year, appears to be the ultimate multitasker
    and thinker.

    She can coach her daughter's basketball team and at the same time
    think about issues affecting higher education without missing a step
    in either area. Continued...

    1234See Full Story When they move to the area, Papazian, a basketball
    fan, said she'll be going to lots of sporting events and lectures
    on campus.

    "My work, I don't see it as work," she said. "It's something I enjoy
    so much."

    Students Kara Hallisey and Grace D'Amico came by the cafeteria to
    invite Papazian to their upcoming Relay for Life fundraiser. She told
    them to shoot her an email when the event gets closer.

    "She was very personable," Hallisey said. D'Amico added happily,
    "She's accessible!"
