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The "Jurassic Park" Of Armenian Politics

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  • The "Jurassic Park" Of Armenian Politics

    Hayk Khalatyan

    PanARMENIAN News
    March 19, 2012

    Appearance of "political dinosaurs" like Gehamyan, Harutyunyan and
    Babukhanyan on RPA list stirs huge interest.

    The Council of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) approved
    on March 18 its electoral lists comprising 250 candidates standing
    for the parliamentary elections due on May 6. The list is quite
    interesting, to say the least. For instance, the ex-speaker of the
    National Assembly and head of RPA election office Hovik Abrahamyan
    is placed the second while Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan comes the
    third. However, the main surprise of the list is the abundance of
    "strangers", representatives of other parties or new members of RPA.

    PanARMENIAN.Net - "We are heading for the elections with a larger list
    involving people who support policy of President Serzh Sargsyan and
    are committed to contribute to implementation of these programs,"
    vice-speaker of the National Assembly Eduard Sharmazanov told the
    journalists. He also reminded that RPA's previous lists as well
    included people who were not RPA members, particularly, during
    elections in 2003 and 2007.Still, the most surprising circumstance in
    relation to the list is the emergence of "political dinosaurs" like
    Artashes Gehamyan, Khosrov Harutyunyan and Hayk Babukhanyan. Steven
    Spielberg is going to shoot a fourth sequel of the "Jurassic Park"
    shortly, but Armenia seems to be taking the lead, with its next
    parliament intending to catch up with the Jurassic Park already in
    May with regard to the number of fossil characters.

    Rumours about the above-mentioned figures' joining the parliament have
    been circulating for quite a while; still, one wanted to believe RPA
    will not go for it. The thing is not even the names these opposition
    politicians used to call each other and the authorities, including the
    current president Serzh Sargsyan. The question is, how the powerful
    RPA can benefit from these figures who have failed in their political
    careers over the past years, who once headed rather influential
    political forces and now cannot even secure a parliamentary seat
    without RPA's assistance.

    The politicians explain their joining the RPA list by a wish to unite
    efforts of the national-conservative forces. "Platforms of the RPA and
    the Constitutional Right Union (CRU) are very similar, the ideology
    basing on the national-conservative concept we present. That's why
    I believe it is absolutely natural than CRU is standing for the
    elections jointly with the RPA, with its list. I think this is clear
    with regard to both ideological and political criteria," CRU head
    Hayk Babukhanyan declared.

    After this, the only question that emerges is how RPA members will see
    parliamentary mandates gone to others who enter the National Assembly
    instead of them, but due to their efforts. Many experts think that
    Geghamyan and others will rather be lumber for RPA instead of providing
    real support at upcoming elections.

    "They will be a problem for the Republican Party of Armenia because
    they are virtual people already. I realize that these people are
    running for the parliament just to oppose the Armenian National
    Congress (ANC). This means these people will be used against the ANC
    on the parliament arena. But the RPA itself should weigh all pros
    and contras. I believe their inclusion in the list will bring much
    more contras than pros," Armenian political expert Karen Kocharyan
    once said on the issue.

    Finally, the political forecast for the potential heirs to "good
    business" of Geghamyan, Harutyunyan and Babukhanyan during elections
    in 2017 is as follows: if current trends are maintained, leader of
    Orinats Yerkir party Artur Baghdasaryan is likely to complement or
    even replace them.
