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Seyran Ohanyan's American Chance

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  • Seyran Ohanyan's American Chance


    Story from News:
    Published: 12:58:47 - 20/03/2012

    Minister of defense Seyran Ohanyan left for the United States on March
    19 where he will meet with the leaders of security agencies of this
    country, in particular, defense minister Leon Panetta and CIA head
    David Petraeus. Other high-ranking meetings are scheduled.

    The American visit of the Armenian defense minister is interesting in
    terms of chronology for it has been long since the Armenian defense
    minister has not been on such a presentable visit to the United
    States. In general, the Armenian and American military contacts have
    been usually limited to the low-ranking command meetings, while the
    upcoming meeting of the defense ministers is unprecedented.

    It is noteworthy that the U.S. Defense Minister visited Armenia and
    Azerbaijan back in 2001 spending in Yerevan a few hours.

    In this sense, after such a long pause, essential growth in the
    contacts of the Armenian and American cooperation can be noticed. This
    is not a surprise considering the U.S. statements that the
    Armenian-American relations are now at the highest ever level.

    It would hardly be logical if the relations with the first power in
    the world were at the highest level and it did not impact military

    Here, not only the status aspect but also its chronological expression
    is essential. The point is that it is a difficult period for the
    Armenian armed forces. The demands of the information century require
    disclosure of the army to the society, on the other hand, forcing
    faster modernization of the army and effective management since with
    the open flow of information the society will have access to it to
    control the situation and consequently the shortcomings and vices
    become more evident.

    Though the Armenian defense ministry answers public inquiries keeping
    loyal to the best traditions of Soviet Russian propaganda,
    nevertheless, the top leadership of the army and the defense minister
    extremely need to overcome this situation and improve management to
    handle the plight and stop being the target of public discussions. In
    the end, Seyran Ohanyan understands that it is impossible to keep
    defending oneself with the help of the Russian propaganda technologies
    which only deepens the issues and brings the collapse closer rather
    than resolves the issues.

    For the solution of the issues, the leadership of the Armenian army
    needs to introduce the Western practice since it is the system which
    has achieved most success in the management of the armed forces in
    terms of the security of soldiers.

    The Armenian military leadership needs to understand that issues can
    be solved only through study and application of the Western experience
    in Armenia.

    In this sense, contacts with the American military leadership as an
    absolute leader in effectiveness, development and combat readiness in
    the world armed forces have a vital importance for Armenia if there is
    enough will to translate these contacts into practical policy.

    However, the Armenian defense minister will certainly commit the
    biggest mistake if he uses the American contacts for the Armenian
    government and to diversify the protection of his ministerial
    positions in this context instead of using them for the modernization
    of the management of armed forces. In this case, Seyran Ohanyan will
    not only endanger his own and the government's position, causing the
    chain of army tragedies to continue, but he will also torpedo the
    military-political mission of Armenia in the South Caucasus now when
    Armenia has a good chance to restore the loss of potential for the
    fulfillment of this mission.

    In this sense, Seyran Ohanyan has a historic chance to regain this
    chance through the contacts with the U.S. military leadership.

    It would be naïve to think that the minister who has meetings with the
    U.S. military leadership will ignore his own office and worries,
    promoting first of all the issues of Armenia's armed forces. For
    Ohanyan, perhaps the most important thing will be his personal
    position in the government, and official Yerevan has perhaps
    calculated Ohanyan's preference to this issue by how his visit will
    promote protection of the general position of the Armenian government.

    But, both for Ohanyan and the government, it will be more effective to
    understand that it is time to use the effective military contacts,
    confrontation of interests and change the methodology of keeping
    governmental position and build the government not on the general
    commandership but on the military staff and immunity of health.

    From: Baghdasarian