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Sergey Minasyan: "Armenian Military Industrial Sector Might Be Inter

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  • Sergey Minasyan: "Armenian Military Industrial Sector Might Be Inter


    Vestnik Kavkaza
    March 20 2012

    As part of the recent visit to Yerevan Secretary of the Security
    Council of Russia, Nikolai Patrushev, has signed the Protocol on
    establishing in Armenia new Armenian-Russian military technical
    facilities. The document presupposes participation of Russia in
    modernization of boundary infrastructure between Armenia and Turkey
    and Armenia and Iran. For example, Armenian-Russian centers on border
    guard training will be established. Deputy Director of the Institute
    Kavkaz, Sergey Minasyan, answers VK's questions on military technical

    - Please, characterize the Protocol on establishing in Armenia new
    Armenian-Russian military technical facilities from the point of view
    of both sides.

    - The document shows succession of cooperation in the wide context
    of security in the former Soviet space, in the context of regional
    security, and in the context of stability in a zone of regional
    conflicts. The Protocol correlates with improving cooperation between
    Armenia and Russia in other spheres. The document will be a significant
    addition to the block of Armenian-Russian relations, including social,
    economic, political and humanitarian cooperation.

    Armenia is interested in this document in the context of modernization
    and renovation of its armament of Soviet and Russian origin. Russia
    is interested in it from the economic point of view, as Russian
    enterprises will be involved in fulfillment the document.

    - It was decided to prepare a new agreement on cooperation between
    Russia and Armenia in the military technical sphere. Would a new
    document be better than the previous one?

    - It is not the point whether it would be better or worse.

    Due to development and improvement of military technical cooperation
    (MTC), there is necessity in enhancement and addition of the agreement
    on MTC, which was adopted during the visit of President Medvedev to
    Armenia in August 2010.

    - Could signing of the document be connected with straining situation
    around Iran?

    - Terms of visits of Russian top officials to Armenia could be
    connected with the situation, but not preparation of the document,
    which is continuation of close cooperation between two countries in
    the military technical sphere.

    - On December 20, 2011, the CSTO made a decision on prohibition
    of location military bases of the CSTO non-members in territories
    of the countries-members without agreement of all partners of the
    treaty. Views of Armenian experts differed: some thinks the decision
    threatens Armenian sovereignty, others have the opposition opinion...

    - This decision by the CSTO doesn't threaten sovereignty of
    Armenia. According to the additional Protocol No.5 signed by Armenia
    and Russia in 2010, the Armenian side agreed for location of a Russian
    military base in its territory by 2044. In this context the decision
    by the CSTO is not something extraordinary.

    - Please, characterize military technical cooperation between Armenia
    and Russia? What prospects do you see in this sphere?

    - I think it will develop in all directions. However, priority will be
    for providing Armenian armed forces with modern systems of armament,
    first of all, with air defense systems, as well as modernizations
    and providing new armored armament.

    Prospects in the sphere of military technical cooperation vary due
    to two aspects. We couldn't provide modernization or renovation of
    armament of the Armenian army of Soviet or Russian origin without
    participation of the direct producer.

    On the other hand, establishing service centers on renovation and
    service of military equipment in Armenia could provide conditions for
    future joint entrance to regional markets on modernization of Soviet
    and Russian military equipment. It could be Iran, some Arab countries,
    and under certain conditions Georgia.

    Interview by Susanna Petrosyan, Yerevan. Exclusively to VK .
