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American Thinker: Abe Foxman Epitomizes The Failure Of Jewish Leader

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  • American Thinker: Abe Foxman Epitomizes The Failure Of Jewish Leader

    Abe Foxman Epitomizes the Failure of Jewish Leadership
    By Pamela Geller hip.html
    March 21, 2012

    We saw the lengths to which the left will go to demonize and destroy
    its opponents this week, when in the New York Jewish Week on March
    16, Abraham Foxman charged that I am "in many ways no better than
    Farrakhan or Buchanan." I am proud of my work as a patriot and a
    passionate Zionist; to be compared to Jew-haters by a man who styles
    himself a leader of the Jews is abominable.

    Foxman charged me with bigotry for my work with Stop Islamization of
    America, a program of my organization, the American Freedom Defense
    Initiative. So now defending free society from an ideology that makes
    war against free speech and equal rights for women and non-Muslims is
    "bigotry." Defending Jews from an ideology that features a more deeply
    ingrained and violent anti-Semitism than any other in the world is

    We have seen the likes of Abe Foxman before in Jewish history: the
    reviled traitor among us -- Dathan in The Ten Commandments. The idea
    that this greasy quisling still leads the Anti-Defamation League is
    a stunning indictment of the failure of Jewish lay leadership. Worse
    still, a Jewish press is publishing this collaborator. I called
    Gary Rosenblatt, the editor of Jewish Week, several times over the
    last few days, but he was always (surprise!) on the other line when
    I called. He did finally agree to print a letter from me, but he
    refused to give me the space he eagerly gave to Foxman to defame me.

    The capacity for humiliating, destructive behavior from Abe Foxman
    (and those Jews who fund the Anti-Defamation League) continues to
    astound and repel proud Jews across the world.

    Foxman's record of poisonous activity that is ultimately harmful to
    the Jewish community is longstanding. His denial of the Armenian
    genocide is monstrous. If we as a people cannot stand with other
    victims of genocide, then who can? Here is a man who refuses to
    call the Armenian genocide of two million Christians a genocide,
    but who expects the Holocaust to be considered as such. What's the
    difference? And if he can dismiss that genocide, what differentiates
    him from, say, an Ahmadinejad, who denies the Holocaust? Foxman went
    so far as to fire an ADL regional director for disagreeing with him
    over the Armenian genocide.

    Foxman has defended Barack Obama's egregious betrayal of Israel,
    saying, in the teeth of all the evidence, "I don't see this as
    the president throwing Israel under the bus." He has (only once)
    acknowledged that "the greatest threat to the Jewish people and
    the highest priority for the ADL was that which came from Islamic
    extremists." However, he has issued thousands of press releases over
    the last seventeen years, and less than three percent of them have
    had anything to do with the Islamic jihad or Islamic anti-Semitism.

    Once, in 2010, Foxman showed that he still had some remnants of
    a conscience and the courage to do the right thing when he voiced
    opposition to the Ground Zero mosque. But immediately after that,
    he began prostrating himself in front of any mosque or madman who
    would listen, trying to make amends. He even launched the "Interfaith
    Coalition on Mosques" in September 2010; its objective is to fight
    for monster-mosque construction rights. What's wrong with this?

    Imagine an "Islamic Coalition to Build Synagogues in Muslim Countries,"
    or the "Islamic Coalition of Muslims to Build Coptic Christian Churches
    in Egypt," or the "Islamic Coalition to Build Hindu Temples in India,
    Kashmir, and Pakistan." (OK, you can stop laughing now.)

    Foxman is building coalitions to construct mega-mosques that will
    almost certainly teach the most vile anti-Semitism on the planet today,
    as do 80% of mosques in America. Foxman also came out in support of the
    Islamic school in Brooklyn whose principal was forced to resign because
    of her involvement in anti-Semitic "Intifada NYC" t-shirts (see here).

    Foxman demonizes proud Jews who love Israel and fight for freedom,
    while he kowtows to the Islamic jihad. And Jewish Week happily serves
    it up to its subscribers.

    Our Jewish leadership has failed us miserably. Foxman must go.

    Pamela Geller is the publisher of and the author of
    the WND Books title Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical
    Guide to the Resistance.
