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Russia Tries To Undermine Javakheti

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  • Russia Tries To Undermine Javakheti


    The Messenger
    March 21 2012

    Soon, the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway will be complete. The line passes
    through the Javakheti region of Georgia before entering Turkey. This
    is the same area where Moscow is trying to undermine the sovereignty
    and people of Georgia, hoping to inspire the ethnic Armenia population
    to declare yet another "independent state" on Georgian territory.

    According to a Russian newspaper, the ethnic Armenian population in the
    region wants to separate from Georgia and declare its independence. The
    paper names Georgia's efforts to join NATO as the major reason
    for their complaint, as when Georgia is granted membership it will
    "automatically" become a major Turkish ally, which is supposedly
    unacceptable to the Armenian population in Javakheti.

    This is the opinion of Agas Aramyan, the leader of an organization
    called Javakhk Diaspora in Russia, but not necessarily that of the
    people living in the region itself.

    So far, such provocative statements had been ignored by the Georgian
    leadership. But on Monday, Deputy Foreign Minister Nino Kalandadze
    deigned to comment, saying that ethnic conflicts in Georgia are in
    the interests of the Russian Federation. She also mentioned that
    Armenia successfully cooperates with NATO. But the idea of separatism
    is still promoted by certain forces supported by the Kremlin, which
    is actively trying to implement this project.

    Officially, Yerevan is taking a wise policy. The government there has
    not made any anti-Georgian statements; on the contrary, it is trying
    to develop good neighbourly relations between the two states. This
    position is shared by the Georgian side as well, as these countries
    are fated to be neighbours forever - thus it is in our mutual interest
    to preserve good relations.
