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U.S. Publisher Lauds Istanbul'S Armenian Patriarchate Suit Against T

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  • U.S. Publisher Lauds Istanbul'S Armenian Patriarchate Suit Against T


    March 21, 2012 - 12:22 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Harut Sassounian, the Publisher of U.S.-based
    California Courier, issued an article on the bold move of the Armenian
    Patriarchate in Istanbul, which sued the Turkish government for the
    return of Armenian properties.

    "We must commend Acting Patriarch Aram Ateshian and the Armenian
    Patriarchate of Istanbul for making the bold move of suing the
    Turkish government for the return of historically significant Armenian
    properties. Turkish officials normally view such legal actions with
    hostility and exert great pressure on judges to reject property claims
    filed by minorities, making it extremely difficult if not impossible
    to win similar lawsuits. Nevertheless, this is a necessary first step
    in order to be able to appeal the Turkish court's expected negative
    ruling to the European Court of Human Rights, where a plaintiff has
    a much better chance of a fair hearing," the article says.

    It goes on to say: "The lawsuit filed by the Patriarchate on March 14
    seeks the return of Armenian properties belonging to Sanasarian College
    in Garin (Erzeroum) which were confiscated by the Turkish authorities
    following the Genocide of 1915. The College's extensive properties,
    now worth tens of millions of dollars, include nine plots of land in
    Garin, a garden house and vast farmland in the village of Aghveren,
    two plots in the village of Gez, and a large commercial property
    (khan) in the center of Constantinople (Istanbul).

    Sanasarian College was founded in 1881 by a major endowment from
    Mgrdich Sanasarian, a wealthy businessman from Georgia, who had
    settled in St. Petersburg, Russia. The generous benefactor donated
    additional properties to the College in the late 1800's.

    Prior to 1915, Sanasarian College played a prominent role as a
    modernizing force during the Armenian national awakening. It was
    a European-style liberal arts school with the specific purpose of
    preparing teachers and professionals in various fields to assist
    the rapid development of Western Armenia's economy. During its brief
    existence, the College produced hundreds of graduates, including many
    who rose to prominent positions. Armen Garo, the Armenian Republic's
    first ambassador to the United States in 1918, was an alumnus of
    Sanasarian College.

    Garin was an important base of operations for the Armenian
    Revolutionary Federation (Dashnagtsoutyoun) and its leaders who had
    taken residence there before 1915. One of ARF's founders, Rostom, was
    appointed as superintendent of Garin's school system, which included
    Sanasarian College.

    Some meetings of the momentous ARF 8th World Congress were held in
    1914 at Sanasarian College buildings. The Congress was interrupted
    by the start of the First World War. The Young Turk government had
    dispatched to Garin a high level delegation headed by Behaeddin Shakir,
    one of the masterminds of the Armenian Genocide, to pressure ARF into
    collaborating with the Turkish government's wartime efforts.

    The ARF Congress turned down the request. The College closed down in
    early 1915 and its entire faculty and many of its students were killed
    during the Genocide. Shakir was assassinated by Armenian avengers in
    1922 in Berlin.

    Ironically, a few years later, Garin was converted from a hotbed
    of Armenian activism to a center of Turkish nationalism with the
    convening of the historic Erzeroum Congress by Kemal Ataturk in 1919.

    Currently, the Sanasarian College complex is a Turkish museum.

    Commenting on the lawsuit, Ali Elbeyoglu, the Armenian Patriarchate's
    lawyer, told Hurriyet newspaper: "The Sanasarian Foundation was
    granted to the Patriarchate by philanthropist Mgrdich Sanasarian
    in the 1800's. The administration and management of the Sanasarian
    Foundation legally belongs to the Patriarchate.... We are not going
    to content ourselves with the mere return of historical buildings. We
    are also going to demand compensation from the government's General
    Directorate of Foundations for all material losses incurred by the
    Patriarchate since 1936."

    Earlier this year, the Armenian Patriarchate filed a separate lawsuit
    against the Directorate General of Foundations seeking the return
    of the Sanasarian Shopping Center (khan) in Istanbul. Even though
    the court imposed a temporary injunction, freezing all transactions
    involving the building's disposition, the Directorate General of
    Foundations declared that it will not abide by the court's order. The
    Patriarchate's lawyer Elbeyoglu reacted by declaring: "This runs
    counter to all international legal [norms] as well as the Treaty of
    Lausanne. The Patriarchate is still in possession of the title deed,"
    Hurriyet said.

    In the past, when I criticized the Patriarchate for making public
    statements against Armenian national interests, I was accused of not
    fully appreciating the special circumstances under which Armenians
    live in Turkey, and was told to show more sensitivity to the fact that
    they are basically hostages in the hands of the Turkish government.

    Since this article commends the Patriarchate's bold legal action,
    I am concerned that my words of praise might make some Armenians
    in Turkey just as uncomfortable. I am simply trying to be fair and
    even-handed, offering criticism or praise, as the occasion merits."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress