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Commentary: 'Termites' On A Dangerous Mission

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  • Commentary: 'Termites' On A Dangerous Mission

    By Edmond Y. Azadian

    Posted on March 21, 2012 by Editor -mission/

    Termites and carpenter ants are insects that feed on wood. They eat
    24 hours a day. Drywood termites can build nests and dig tunnels in
    buildings. These tunnels bring major damage and cause buildings to
    fall. The damage in the US is estimated at $2 billion annually.

    This column will not be dedicated to the study of insects nor the
    damage they can cause. We will try only to use the analogy of the
    termites with the alien sects, which have been dispatched to Armenia
    on a similarly destructive mission.

    As if the war, the blockade, the economic hardships and the continuing
    ravages of the earthquake were not enough, Armenia has to be armed to
    fight the invasion of alien sects, which have "freedom of worship"
    as their cover to disrupt the social fabric of the country and to
    inject demoralization within the armed forces.

    After 70 years of atheistic rule, which has undermined the foundations
    of the Armenian Church, Armenia is ill-equipped to counter
    the onslaught. There is certainly religious fervor developing -
    churches are being built or renovated and the ranks of clergy have
    been swelling - but all those developments can hardly remedy the
    damage of yesteryear, while new ones are invading the country with
    specific missions.

    No one believes that the Cold War is over and our homeland is caught
    in between the warring camps. The new Cold-War weapons are more
    sophisticated; they are effectively used for regime changes, colorful
    revolutions, (rude) awakenings and causing havoc in target countries.

    George Soros' peaceful "angels" were trained and launched against the
    Ukraine and Georgia, causing Orange and Rose revolutions, respectively.

    Another targeted mission is conducted through the invasion of religious
    sects, to teach Christianity to the first Christian nation of the
    world. Those sects are not only armed with lethal literature but also
    with cash and strategic skills.

    The depressed population of the country is an easy target for the
    leaders of these missionaries.

    Armenia is caught between a rock and a hard place; it is party to
    many European conventions, which dictate freedom of speech and freedom
    of religion. That is why it has officially registered many religious
    sects in order to satisfy the European observers. That also provides a
    cover to those religious sects to commit their destructive activities
    and cry wolf when caught red-handed.

    The issue, of course, is not with established denominations which
    have demonstrated their allegiance to our Armenian identity. The
    Armenian Congregational and Catholic churches, other than practicing
    an alternative rite, have contributed meaningfully to the culture and
    education of the nation and the diaspora. Even today, Armenia benefits
    tremendously from their educational and charitable missions, and yet,
    some people are tempted to rank these denominations with sects like
    Jehovah's Witnesses or other fanatical groups.

    The alien sects are there to undermine, in the first place, the
    Armenian Apostolic Church, which already faces many challenges: a
    shortage of clergy, public apathy to faith and manipulations within
    the hierarchy of the church itself. These sects are armed with powerful
    weapons, namely cash and promises of overseas education.

    They use mind-control tactics, destroying families and the very fabric
    of society.

    But Armenia has committed itself to European standards and is under
    an obligation to sit back and only observe these groups. God forbid
    any Jehovah's Witness is insulted or any congregation is disrupted;
    the alarms begin ringing and Freedom House or the State Department,
    armed with a report, rates Armenia among the "least free" countries.

    In Georgia, however, no religious organization save for the Georgian
    Church enjoys legal status. Even the Armenian Church has been
    struggling for a long time to attain that status there, despite its
    existence on Georgian soil for centuries.

    Azerbaijan is no different; any group, outside the Muslim religion,
    is subject to persecution and even outright massacre, without any
    alarm bells going off in the West.

    The most dangerous aspect in Armenia is the influence of these sects
    within the ranks of the armed forces. A country which is still in
    a state of undeclared war needs every able-bodied man within its
    borders to defend the homeland. Jehovah's Witnesses, however, take
    cover under the pretext of being conscientious objectors. They refuse
    to bear arms, never mind that some of their leaders have performed
    religious services with concealed weapons on their bodies.

    To overcome this situation and to satisfy European watchdogs,
    the Armenian Parliament adopted a law in 2004 to offer alternative
    services to conscientious objectors. They can enroll in services at
    old age homes, hospitals and orphanages under the Ministry of Social
    Services. However, that in itself presents a risk, since these groups
    can prey on a vulnerable audience to convert them to their faith.

    Even though the law has been adopted to offer the Jehovah's Witnesses
    this form of alternate national service, the Ministry of Defense
    reports that no members of the sect have applied for it. They have
    all opted instead to be taken to court where desertion is punishable
    with a four-year prison term. The courts have been lenient, giving
    instead a two-year sentence, with tolerable detention conditions.

    Many people who wish to avoid the draft have joined the ranks of
    Jehovah's Witnesses because after serving two years, they qualify for
    scholarships to travel overseas and present themselves as candidates
    for asylum, as members of a persecuted minority.

    The lawless state of some army barracks, sadly, contributes to the
    decision by some young potential soldiers to take any way out rather
    than be in the army, the very same army that has prevented an Azeri
    invasion and earned a win in Karabagh.

    Unfortunately, the analogy of termites is very apt and it requires
    constant vigilance to spare Armenia from another assault.
