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Political Developments In Iran And Possible Iran-Us Collision

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  • Political Developments In Iran And Possible Iran-Us Collision

    Sevak Sarukhanyan

    Deputy Director of "Noravank" Foundation, Head of the Center for
    Political Studies

    Parliamentary elections held on March 2 and presidential elections in
    2013 in Iran are of great importance not only for domestic political
    life of the Islamic Republic of Iran but they may also become an
    incitement for the military encounter between Iran and the US. The
    articles refers mainly to the developments in the election period
    which may influence processes taking place in Iran and in the region.

    Election campaign on the eve of the parliamentary elections As it was
    expected parliamentary elections in Iran were held without main and
    radical opposition, which stated back in January that it was going to
    boycott elections on March 2. The oppositionists who participated in
    election campaign constituted 10% of all the candidates and they were
    united in two oppositional coalitions - Islamic Participation Front
    of Iran and National Trust Front. Though these groups came forward
    with criticism of the authorities, their views can be considered
    oppositional only conventionally as they do not demand changes of
    general state policy and governing structure of the state.

    One could hardly expect that the main part of the population which
    took an oppositional stance would protect these two coalitions as
    there were no vivid representatives of opposition among them. On the
    other hand Iranian active opposition urged its supporters to boycott
    elections thus trying to deprive future parliament of legitimacy. On
    March 3 when preliminary results of the elections were issued, it
    became clear that this restricted opposition could not even win 10%
    and amounted to nothing more than 7%.

    Rather interesting processes took place in the conservative camp
    either; in February an incumbent speaker of the Iranian Majlis Ali
    Larijani considerably lost his ground. In early February a number of
    media and web-sites belonging to radical conservatives issued materials
    according to which over the recent years Ali Larijani had made rather
    big fortune, owned huge property and had been involved in a number
    shady dealings mainly connected with privatization of state property.

    There was even information that the sheikhs prohibited Ali Larijani
    participating in the parliamentary elections, which however, later was
    disclaimed by Larijani. Most probably, an eager activity was initiated
    in order to minimize chances of Ali Larijani to be reelected as a
    chairman of a new parliament. Besides, today Larijani is considered as
    a possible candidate for presidency at coming presidential elections
    in 2013 and propaganda directed against him aims to deprive him of a
    possibility to run for president. It should also be underlined that if
    the proposal by the spiritual leader of Iran Ali Khamenei to abolish
    the post of the president and substitute it by the prime-minster
    elected by the parliament made last October is passed, then the post
    of the speaker of the parliament may become influential while electing
    a prime-minister. Hence, possible "overthrowing" of A. Larijani means
    that he and powers supporting him cannot influence formation of the
    executive authorities.

    Most probably, in consequence of information campaign directed against
    him, Ali Larijani's wing in February joined Conservative United
    Front established with the participation of A. Khamenei which is in
    fact a coalition uniting conservative powers. This coalition won the
    elections and will have about 150 deputies in the parliament, taking
    into consideration the fact that independent candidates will join it.

    As for the supporters of president M. Akhmadinejad, they suffered
    a devastating defeat and they will have about 50 deputies in the
    parliament even if they include independent candidates.

    Though the elections were held without serious provocations, the
    Iranian authorities were expecting such provocations.

    As the Iranian media mention, the parliamentary election agitation
    in the cities was seriously restricted by the security services,
    because they expected that mass meetings might be used for terrorist
    acts or provocations, the number of which has increased recently
    and it is connected with the activation of separatists in Belujistan
    and Kurdistan.

    The fact that the Iranian authorities were expecting serious
    provocations and possible destabilization before the elections is
    not questioned. Both strengthening of surveillance by the security
    services and statements of the government officials prove that. On
    January 24 the Minister of Intelligence of Iran Heydar Moslehi stated
    that West prepares serious destabilization of situation in Iran,
    which includes following actions:

    Underlining political disagreements and deepening of contradictions
    in the political system by means of propaganda; Propagating doubts
    concerning the transparency of the election process in the country and
    abroad; Taking political discussion to the streets; Creation of
    the atmosphere of distrust; Aggravation of the economic and social
    conditions in the country by means of economic sanctions.

    We would also like to add centralization of the American military
    forces in the proximity of the Persian Gulf which creates psychological
    background for the most aggressive opposition and seems to "persuade"
    that an attempt to start a revolution may receive a military support on
    behalf of the United States. The US military presence in the proximity
    of Iran, of course, first of all looks like a psychological action,
    as today the United States do not have enough power and abilities
    to implement military interference in the processes which could take
    place in Iran in consequence of the parliamentary elections.

    But it should be mentioned that a possible threat expected from
    the United States will be of paramount importance for the Iranian
    authorities for at least one year. If such a dangerous situation was
    created on the eve of the parliamentary elections, doubly dangerous
    situation may be on the eve of the presidential election in 2013,
    as the latter is much more important for the public and political
    life of Iran than parliamentary elections. Thus, the post-election
    and pre-election situation in Iran will remain rather strained for
    at least a year and state will be obliged to react tougher to the
    domestic threats.

    Summing up a part regarding domestic developments, let us mention
    that despite eager domestic political struggle, the authorities
    demonstrated that they control the situation in the country. As
    for the policy of opposition, it has failed to some extent as 64%
    of population participated in the elections and it raised the level
    of its legitimacy, though the opposition did not participate.

    Will there be a collision between Iran and the US?

    The processes, which take place in Iran, are of great importance for
    the United States either, and it has gained a first serious opportunity
    to strike a massive blow to the Iranian positions. It is conditioned
    by several factors:

    1.Opinion polls show that 48% of the population of the Unites States
    supports the idea of delivering strike at Iran. But if they held a
    penetrating investigation, it would appear in our opinion that the
    main reason for such an anti-Iranian mood is propaganda carried out in
    regard to M. Akhmadinejad for the recent seven years. In his statements
    the Iranian president gave a handle for the American propaganda to
    declare him the enemy of civilization. But in a year Akhmadinejad will
    leave his post and the next president of Iran may be more acceptable
    for the Western public. The main presidential aspirant is the mayor of
    Tehran M. Ghalibaf who is a western type of leader and if he becomes
    a president West can hardly expect any support from within Iran.

    2.The future of the sanctions imposed on Iran is not clear yet either.

    Today international community seems to demonstrate that it has made a
    maximum use of the sanctions; it is obvious that China and Russia would
    not allow the UN Security Council imposing even more serious sanctions
    on Iran. Hence, economic means of suppressing Iran are exhausted.

    3.Events in Syria have seriously weakened Iran. If B. Assad's regime
    falls, Iran will lose its main ally in the region. But if Syrian
    authorities manage to preserve their power and suppress opposition,
    Iran will regain its weakening positions on the border with Israel. In
    this case a possible American attack on Iran may cause new big regional
    war in which not only Iran and the United States but also Syria,
    Israel, Lebanon and even Egypt (where Muslim Brothers who are looking
    for a reason to unfold confrontation with Israel are strengthening
    their positions) will be involved. Large-scale regional confrontation
    will also affect situation in Iraq and Afghanistan where the formed
    conventional status-quo is most probably the only expedient situation
    for Washington. Such developments may cause for the United States
    uncontrollable situation in the whole Middle East.

    Thus, it can be supposed that the current situation in the region
    and pre-election year in Iran provide very short-term possibility
    for the US to counteract Iran.

    But the point is that to what extent Washington is ready to carry out
    military incursion into Iran or deliver air strikes at the Iranian
    military and nuclear objects. Though opinions about its readiness
    prevail, many authoritative organizations and specialists believe that
    striking Iran is a big information bluffing. In particular, Shahram
    Chubin - one of the most authoritative researchers of the Middle East
    and Iran over the recent 20 years - is of such opinion. The latter
    believe that neither United States nor Israel can or aim to deliver
    strike at Iran. And the current aggravation of situation is conditioned
    by the efforts of mainly Tel Aviv, which tries to "blackmail"
    international community - if you are not ready to increase pressure
    on Tehran, we will strike Iran and wash our hands off an affair.

    It is also obvious that the United States creates grounds for
    avoiding striking Iran. In this aspect the statement made by the US
    State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland on February 16 that the
    achievements of the Iranian nuclear programme were hyped deserves
    special attention: "We frankly don't see a lot new here. This is not
    big news. It seems to have been hyped. The Iranians have, for many
    months, been putting out calendars of accomplishments, and based on
    their own calendars, they are many, many months behind. This strikes
    us as calibrated mostly for a domestic audience." This is nothing
    but an attempt by Washington to avoid "responsibility" of striking
    Iran, which has been formed recently as a result of "Iranian threat"
    propaganda. Moreover, president Obama's speech to AIPAC (America
    Israel Public Affairs Committee) on March 4, in which he said that
    as president and commander in chief, he had a deeply held preference
    for peace over war, also proves that Washington wants to avoid war.

    However, one can say that in the year to come important developments
    are expected in both Iran and region. We should hope that those
    developments will not bring to the processes which may affect security
    of the Armenian communities in the region and Armenia in case of
    aggravation of civil war in Syria and military collision between the
    United States and Iran.
