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OSCE Minsk Group key achievement maintaining cease-fire - expert

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  • OSCE Minsk Group key achievement maintaining cease-fire - expert

    OSCE Minsk Group key achievement maintaining cease-fire - expert
    March 24, 2012 | 16:21

    YEREVAN. - The key achievement of the OSCE Minsk Group, which fully
    corresponds to its definition and justifies its existence, is the fact
    that there have been no military actions in the line of contact in the
    Nagorno-Karabakh zone for over 20 years, expert Sergey Minasyan told

    `Currently the conflicting sides [Armenia and Azerbaijan] have
    polar-opposite positions, and the Minsk Group is not able to bring
    them closer unless the sides express desire to.

    On the other hand, OSCE MG does not want to press the sides for peace,
    as the `quick' peace will be instable. Armenian and Azerbaijani
    societies are not ready to speedy reconciliation, political elites as
    well,' the expert said adding the key achievement of the MG is the
    maintenance of cease-fire regime.

    In addition, MG is a tool in the hands of the international community
    and the super powers in particular. It allows them to control the
    situation over Karabakh and prevent escalation.

    The OSCE Minsk Group marks 20th anniversary on March 24. Earlier this
    week foreign ministers of the OSCE Co-Chairing states issued a
    statement urging the sides to demonstrate the political will needed to
    achieve a lasting and peaceful settlement and to prepare their
    populations for peace, not war.
