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Replacement of France in OSCE MG will protract Karabakh talks

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  • Replacement of France in OSCE MG will protract Karabakh talks

    Expert: replacement of France in OSCE MG will protract Karabakh talks

    March 24, 2012 - 15:20 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian political analyst forecasts protraction of
    Nagorno Karabakh talks in case of replacement of France with the EU in
    the OSCE Minsk Group.

    According to Alexander Manasyan, Minsk Group's bureaucratic system
    will be much more complicated with EU's joining the negotiation
    process. The expert further noted that the EU's position in 90s was
    quite favorable for Karabakh and urged Armenia to remind EU
    representatives of it. Mr. Manasyan said that EU accused Azerbaijan of
    attempting to involve Armenia in the war in its statement in 1993.

    On March 23, European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs
    adopted a document on Armenia, proposing to replace France's mandate
    in OSCE Minsk Group on Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement with that
    of the European Union. The document is to be put to vote at European
    Parliament's plenary session supposedly in a month.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress