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Shampoo Commercial With Hitler Angers Turkey's Jews (Video)

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  • Shampoo Commercial With Hitler Angers Turkey's Jews (Video)

    March 26, 2012 - 16:52 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - A shampoo commercial on Turkish television has
    drawn protests from Turkey's Jewish community for using Adolf Hitler
    to promote the product, Hurriyet Daily News reports.

    The Chief Rabbinate of Turkey issued a press statement yesterday to
    condemn the commercial and protest the company.

    "Despite the discussion we had with the owner of the advertising agency
    in which we shared our sadness and disappointment, we regretfully
    noticed that the commercial in question still appears in the media,"
    read the statement. "We would like to make a reminder once again that
    it's totally unacceptable to make use of Hitler - the most striking
    example of cruelty and savagery in history, who caused the death of
    millions of people with his perverse mentality and twisted ideology -
    in order to make a difference or raise awareness in a commercial. We
    reprimand this mindset and emphasize the importance of a public
    apology in order to repair the damage that this commercial has caused
    to society's conscience."

    The commercial shows black-and-white footage of Hitler making a speech
    dubbed in Turkish with German subtitles. "If you are not wearing
    female clothes, do not use shampoo for women. Here it is. If you are
    a man, you have to use this shampoo. Real men use it," Hitler says
    in promoting the shampoo which the company claims was produced for
    the special needs of men.

    Using Hitler, who massacred more than 6 million people - most of
    whom were Jews - in an advertisement for any reason is categorically
    unacceptable, Chief Rabbi İshak Haleva said.

    "This is beyond all ethics, as well as a huge insult to human rights,"
    Haleva said in a written statement. "We believe and expect that the
    necessary sensitivity will be shown and that a correction will be
    made soon."
