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U.S. Publisher: Obama's Administration Pressures Its Commission To C

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  • U.S. Publisher: Obama's Administration Pressures Its Commission To C


    March 28, 2012 - 12:27 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Harut Sassounian, the Publisher of U.S.-based
    California Courier, issued an article on U.S. State Department's
    disgraceful censorship of a report blacklisting Turkey.

    "Each passing day brings new revelations of the Obama administration's
    shameful schemes to cover up Turkish misconduct," Sassounian writes
    in his article.

    "The latest scandal involves the State Department's covert attempt to
    alter the contents of a report by the U.S. Commission on International
    Religious Freedom (USCIRF), condemning the Turkish government's
    violations of the religious rights of Christian minorities. USCIRF
    is an independent bipartisan federal agency established by the U.S.

    Congress to make "recommendations unburdened by foreign policy
    considerations other than the defense of religious freedom," according
    to a Commission member.

    The Commission issued a lengthy report on March 20, outlining in
    great detail "the Turkish government's systematic and egregious
    limitations on the freedom of religion or belief that affect all
    religious communities in Turkey, and particularly threaten the
    country's non-Muslim religious minorities."

    The report recommended that the U.S. government designate Turkey as
    one of the world's 16 worst violators of religious freedom, along
    with Burma, China, Egypt, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, North Korea,
    Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan,
    and Vietnam.

    The Commission's recommendation sharply downgraded Turkey's status
    from a previous "watch" list country to the black list of 16 "Countries
    of Particular Concern" (CPC).

    As expected, Turkish officials resorted to their usual disparaging
    tactics, rejecting the Commission's findings. Far more troubling were
    the insidious actions of turkophiles in the State Department. Nina
    Shea, one of the nine USCIRF commissioners, wrote an alarming article
    revealing how the Obama administration quietly pressured the commission
    to soften its condemnation of Turkey.

    Ms. Shea disclosed to the National Review, a major national
    publication, that Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights Michael
    Posner had forced one of the commissioners to change his position
    in Turkey's favor, after being tipped off by another commissioner,
    an Obama appointee, that the Commission had voted 5-4 to black list
    Turkey in its annual report. By then, the report had been issued and
    it was too late to alter the Commission's recommendation, designating
    Turkey as a major violator of religious freedom. As required, the
    report was submitted to Pres. Obama, Secretary of State Clinton,
    and Congressional leaders.

    It was later revealed that Don Argue, President of Northwest University
    in Kirkland, Washington, was the Commissioner who was pressured into
    changing his mind on Turkey. Ironically, two days after this report
    was issued, the terms of service of Shea, Argue and three other
    commissioners ended.

    The Turkish Foreign Ministry, reacting sharply to the Commission's
    critical designation of Turkey, declared the report to be "null
    and void." Turkey's Ambassador to Washington, Namik Tan, described
    the report as "politically motivated." The Commission's chairman,
    Leonard Leo, shrugged off the Turkish protestations. "I don't really
    care what the [Turkish] Foreign Minister thinks, because the report
    is not for him, it's for the State Department," Leo told the Turkish
    Zaman newspaper.

    Regrettably, a State Dept. spokesperson persisted in covering up
    Turkey's abusive record when he told "the Department
    does not support Turkey's CPC designation, although it believes the
    country needs to do more to expand religious freedom."

    The Commission's report included a long list of grave charges,
    accusing the Turkish government of denying "full legal status to
    religious groups, [and] violating the religious freedom rights of all
    religious communities; denying "non-Muslim communities the rights to
    train clergy, offer religious education, and own and maintain places of
    worship; restricting the religious freedom of "the Greek, Armenian, and
    Syriac Orthodox Churches, the Roman Catholic and protestant Churches,
    and the Jewish community as well as for the majority Sunni Muslim
    community and the country's largest minority, the Alevis."

    The report described in great detail the restrictions imposed on the
    Armenian community, including the Turkish government's prohibition of
    training new clergy, and its interference "in the selection process
    of the Armenian Patriarchate's religious leadership."

    The Commission recommended that the U.S. government urge Turkey to
    "abolish Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code which restricts
    the freedom of thought and expression and negatively affects the
    freedom of religion or belief." The report also acknowledged that
    "even starting a discussion on genocide of Christians that occurred
    100 years ago is a criminal offense in Turkey."

    Ironically, after meeting with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan in
    South Korea on March 26, Pres. Obama told the media: "I congratulated
    the Prime Minister on the efforts that he has made within Turkey to
    protect religious minorities!" It is shameful that unscrupulous U.S.
    officials are treating a federal agency's painstaking research and
    solid recommendations with such contempt!" the publicist writes.

    From: A. Papazian