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The Kurds Won't Sacrifice Themselves To The West

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  • The Kurds Won't Sacrifice Themselves To The West


    The declaration of the Kurdish state, which had been scheduled by the
    leader of the Kurdish Autonomous Region Masoud Barzani for the 21st
    March 2012, did not take place. Ishkhan Miroev, editor-in-chief of
    "The Free Kurdistan" shared his thoughts in an interview with Pravda.Ru
    about the failure.

    In the course of history, the Kurds have fallen victim to domestic
    and foreign enemies. As everyone already knows, the Serves World Peace
    Treaty, signed in 1920 in France between Antanta and defeated Turkey,
    granted Kurdistan permission to be independent. And, as we know, the
    Kurds were deceived. All this led to their lands being immediately
    divided up between a few countries, and that subsequently led to
    tragedy. That was how Saddam Hussein managed to destroy 5000 Kurds
    with chemical weapons. Or there's the example of Syria, where, with
    complete permissiveness, the government carried out a bloody conflict
    in 2004, costing the Kurdish people dozens of lives.

    That is why they do not trust anybody and play a careful game, for
    they are afraid of once again becoming a gaming chip for other, more
    powerful, countries. The Kurds have understood Reagan's words well,
    when he said that Kurdistan is a matchbox, that might at any moment
    act in its own aims and interests.

    Nevertheless, in view of what you have already said, the Kurds would
    not utterly reject the idea of creating their own state?

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    The question is would the other players let such a state be created?

    Firstly, danger is emanating from Turkey, which is prepared to send
    troops in to strangle the new state as it germinates. The Turks
    know all too well that the situation in the Middle East is changing
    very quickly and after Assad's fall from power, the final hour will
    come for the Iranians and Turks of Kurdistan. These dangers are not
    coincidental; they all follow one another like links in a chain. And
    of course it is possible that the "loudest" event might happen amongst
    the Turks in Kurdistan itself, where almost half of all Kurds live,
    around 20million people altogether. In spite of the fact that the
    Turkish authorities are consciously trying to reduce the number of
    Kurdish people, as by the way many other countries are also doing,
    in reality the Kurds number more than 40 million people.

    And what about Iran?

    Even though certain steps have been taken by the government of Iran
    in terms of the Kurds, at the heart of all this is the fact that
    they do not solve problems, in as much as the question of cultural
    autonomy has still not been decided, and they are fighting for their
    constitutional rights. I have noticed that there aren't any serious
    problems between the Kurds and the Iranians themselves. They have a
    lot in common; these are primordial but not alien inhabitants of a
    region with a single Indo-European language at its core.

    Nevertheless, the Iranian authorities are, to put it mildly, far
    from sorting out the Kurds' problems . Generally, when we talk about
    the Kurdish situation it's impossible to ignore the fact that in
    Russia they have many more rights than in their homeland. It is no
    coincidence that the brigade PJAK is active in the Iranian part of
    Kurdistan, which is a military wing of the Russian Party Committee.

    They are not insurgents or criminals, as they are depicted to be
    in Tehran, rather they are simply people struggling for their human

    In what way does this situation pose a threat to Armenia?

    Armenia is no exception to the rule, since those countries which Kurds
    live in also oppress them. Here we can observe a simply enormous
    anti-Kurdish campaign. In many respects it has created a desire to
    return to "Western Armenia" and does not exclude the fact that in case
    of leaving this Kurdish border zone between the Armenian and Turkish
    territory of Yerevan it will want to "get it back again" as it used
    to be when in 1920 the Armenians attempted to create "Great Armenia".

    But nobody will give anyone anything that simply. A large part of these
    lands which the Armenian revenge-seekers dream of are sitting on the
    Turkish border-zone and is territory inhabited by Kurds. Of course, it
    is impossible to ignore the question of the Kurds' historical claim,
    representatives of whom took part in the events of 1915-18 fighting
    on the Turkish side, a fact which in Yerevan has not been forgotten.

    It is appropriate at this point to mention an Armenian saying, which
    states that "you can have a conversation with the Devil, but just not
    with a Kurd." This view has led to the almost total expulsion of the
    Kurdish population from Armenia, with the exception of a few Ezidi,
    a people from the North of Iraq.

    The question then arises as to the precise borders of the future
    Kurdish state. Will it accept and recognise the Iranian authorities?

    After all, from the moment of the declaration of the autonomous region
    of Iranian Southern Kurdistan, a number of disputed points had not
    been resolved, but the most important ones had...

    Barzani declared Kirkuk to be "the heart of the Kurdish state" which
    they resolutely disagreed with in Baghdad. The thing is that Saddam
    Hussein evicted Kurds from that strategically oil-rich region,
    replacing them with Turks which signified the arising of future

    Sergei Balmasov


    Translated by Emily Ferris
