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Armenian Genocide Denial Policy Doomed To Failure - Experts

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  • Armenian Genocide Denial Policy Doomed To Failure - Experts


    March 27, 2012 - 13:15 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Turkey spends enormous resources to thwart the
    Armenian Genocide recognition campaign in the U.S., especially now
    that the situation has deteriorated following its deprivation of
    European lobby's support, turkologist Hakob Chakryan and Noravank
    foundation expert Aristakes Simavoryan said.

    As they told a press conference, the Turkish authorities are well
    aware of advancements in the recognition process and that the denial
    policy is doomed to fail, though they continue efforts to prove the
    opposite. Dwelling on the Genocide resolution introduced to the U.S.

    Congress, the experts voiced skepticism over its adoption, as the U.S.

    currently prioritizes issues related to Iran and Syria, which
    necessitate Turkish support.

    On March 20, U.S. Senators Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Mark Kirk (R-IL)
    introduced legislation, S.Res.399, calling upon the U.S. government
    to properly recognize the Armenian Genocide and to use the lessons
    of this atrocity to prevent future crimes against humanity.

    "It is time for the United States to join the nineteen nations
    including Belgium, Canada, France, Italy and the European Union
    that have formally recognized the actions carried out by the Ottoman
    Empire from 1915 to 1923 as genocide," Senator Menendez said. "The
    Armenian Genocide is a historical fact and was one of the incidents
    upon which the Genocide Convention was predicated. Only by accurately
    acknowledging the crimes of the past can we ever hope to move forward
    in a legitimate manner and prevent such human rights crimes from
    happening in the future."

    "The Armenian Genocide is well-documented and formally recognized by
    11 NATO allies and the European Union. This resolution accurately
    characterizes the events of 1915-1923 as a genocide, honors the
    memory of the victims, and strengthens America's moral leadership on
    human rights and the prevention of mass atrocities around the world,"
    said a spokesman for Senator Kirk.

    From: A. Papazian