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ISTANBUL: Security, Integration And The Caucasus

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  • ISTANBUL: Security, Integration And The Caucasus


    Today's Zaman
    March 28 2012

    It is often said that security is still the dominant issue for the
    Caucasus region and that its "frozen and unfrozen conflicts" remain
    the critical obstacle to the development of a regional security

    The problem, of course, is that, while there is available terminology
    to discuss security issues at a regional level, history indicates that
    an understanding of country-based security is both more pertinent and
    more productive. Currently, countries in the Caucasus think about
    security through the question "How safe do we feel?" rather than
    considering how the region could be safer.

    Nonetheless, fragile stability is the region's only security
    achievement. What is clear is that peace and security in the Caucasus
    only seem possible in a situation whereby each country perceives any
    threat to a neighbor as a threat to itself and protects the interests
    of its neighbors as it would protect its own. On this topic, last
    week's Wilton Park conference on "Security of the South Caucasus"
    in Tbilisi shed some light on the region's security-related questions.

    Discussion was wide-ranging, but the region's unresolved conflicts
    and integration into EU and NATO were key focal points.

    During the discussions on the conflicts in Georgia, most experts agreed
    that in the short term, it will be difficult to achieve resolution,
    but in the long term, Georgia could "win the hearts and minds"
    of the Abkhaz and Ossetians by continuing to pursue democracy and
    economic reform. In this matter, Georgians see Russia's attitude as
    an obstacle to conflict resolution in Abkhazia and South Ossetia;
    although dialogues is open and ongoing, there have been no concrete
    achievements. The situation is best described as a "manageable
    stalemate," rather than genuine conflict resolution. The Georgian
    government only has one chance to take back its territories via
    the "State Strategy on Occupied Territories: Engagement through
    Cooperation," which has full support from the West. Georgia's
    commitment is positive and sounds convincing, but will the de facto
    authorities and population truly be able to commit to these proposals?

    Indeed, the very designation of the South Ossetia and Abkhazia as
    occupied territories is likely to trigger anger and resentment insofar
    as it implicitly denies that the local populations have any say over
    how and by whom the regions are administered.

    For that reason, some conference participants argued that the strategy
    is hardly conducive to promoting engagement, given that the populations
    have different perceptions of the conflict. Moreover, EU integration
    and conflict resolution are seen as somehow interlinked, not only
    by experts but also locally. For example, the Caucasus Research
    Resource Center's 2009 poll on knowledge and attitudes towards the
    EU in Georgia showed that for Georgians, the two biggest issues were
    territorial integrity and jobs. By 2011, following five years of
    failed conflict resolution, it seems that people have given up hope --
    only 42 percent deemed territorial integrity a national priority. In
    both years, the survey revealed that more than 50 percent of people
    believe that the conflicts are an obstacle to EU integration. The
    other argument was that the peace process was internationalized as
    a result of the August 2008 Russian-Georgian war; an EU presence on
    the ground had been out of the question before that.

    It took a war to get the EU monitoring mission out there.

    On the other side of the region, debates on resolution of
    Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict seemed to pivot on the
    idea that "nothing is agreed until everything is agreed." The most
    interesting aspect of the debates on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    is Armenian officials' references to their constructive role in the
    resolution process, and their practice of blaming the other side,
    which one Azerbaijani speaker correctly identified as their "need to
    name the aggressor; i.e. whose forces are on whose territory?" There
    is a belief among Azerbaijani experts and officials that the OSCE
    Minsk Group exists to continue the conflict rather than to solve it;
    in support of this point one Armenian expert argued, "The Minsk Group
    is more Minsk than Group." Another Azerbaijani expert argues that the
    Minsk process has been delegated to the Kremlin, thereby opening the
    gates for Russian resurgence in the region, with the West unable or
    unwilling to restore international law on the ground.

    Armenian representatives spoke about recurring violence along the
    "line of contact," while the Azerbaijani side declared its readiness
    for "contact without lines." The major concern among most experts was
    that prospects for a lasting solution presently seem as remote as they
    were a decade ago, while the risk of a renewed conflict now appears
    to be growing appreciably, with some analysts arguing if hostilities
    continue, they may accelerate, leaving the region in the grip of a
    "short, accidental war" that will destroy the current negotiation

    An additional matter that was raised was the forgotten side of the
    conflict: the refugees and IDPs. Last year, the Brookings Institution
    and London School of Economics published a joint report, "Projection
    Internal Displacement," which argued that 20 years of living in
    displacement has shaken the confidence of many that they will be able
    to return any time soon, but at the same time military rhetoric has
    increased; "Can you be an IDP for 20 years?" was a recurrent question
    heard from IDPs in Baku and in remote rural areas. Unfortunately,
    refugees and IDPs remain largely forgotten, and new generations on
    either side of the divide are growing up without a real grasp of
    their roots, and with an increasingly angry resentment and hatred
    for the other side.

    Ultimately, better security and more integration westwards remains
    for the most part on paper. Despite documents on the region's security
    issues, and the "reset button" between Russia and the United States,
    and regional countries' move towards integration into EU/NATO, there
    is little serious commitment in Moscow or Washington or Brussels
    to properly address security in the Caucasus. The Russian saying
    "Mnoqo shuma, iz nicheqo" translates as "Much ado about nothing." It
    sounds better in the original, but its pertinence transcends the
    language barrier.
