March 29, 2012 - 17:08 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - Director of RA NAS Institute of Oriental Studies
noted increasing presence in the Arab world as Turkey's key goal.
Asked by a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter about development prospects of the
Turkish-Israeli relations, Ruben Safrastyan answered that Turkey tries
to have its impact on the region through strengthening anti-Israeli
rhetoric and support to the Palestinian organizations.
According to the expert, deterioration of bilateral ties bears a
natural rather than a demonstrative character, with the anti-Israeli
rhetoric backed by a large number of pro-Iranian forces.
"The ruling Justice and Development Party in Turkey is based on Islamic
ideology, with PM Erdogan's position contributing to the aggravation
of ties between the two countries.
Mr. Safrastyan noted further worsening of Turkish-Israeli relations
quite probable, whereas Turkish attempts to boost presence in the
region are less feasible.
From: A. Papazian
March 29, 2012 - 17:08 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - Director of RA NAS Institute of Oriental Studies
noted increasing presence in the Arab world as Turkey's key goal.
Asked by a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter about development prospects of the
Turkish-Israeli relations, Ruben Safrastyan answered that Turkey tries
to have its impact on the region through strengthening anti-Israeli
rhetoric and support to the Palestinian organizations.
According to the expert, deterioration of bilateral ties bears a
natural rather than a demonstrative character, with the anti-Israeli
rhetoric backed by a large number of pro-Iranian forces.
"The ruling Justice and Development Party in Turkey is based on Islamic
ideology, with PM Erdogan's position contributing to the aggravation
of ties between the two countries.
Mr. Safrastyan noted further worsening of Turkish-Israeli relations
quite probable, whereas Turkish attempts to boost presence in the
region are less feasible.
From: A. Papazian