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Baku Summons Population Of Iran For Civil Disobedience

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  • Baku Summons Population Of Iran For Civil Disobedience

    Levon Melik-Shakhnazaryan

    The Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan has stated recently
    about arrest of a group of terrorists who were allegedly planning
    assassination of foreign diplomats in Baku. The press release of the
    MSS of Azerbaijan reads the connection of the members of the terrorist
    group with the special services of Iran. It is stated that three
    arrested citizens of Azerbaijan planned attacks on Jewish objects. In
    its turn Israeli information agency MIGnews stated, referring to the
    Israeli sources that "the members of the terrorist cell planned assault
    at the Israeli embassy in Baku and Ambassador Michael Lotem". The MSS
    of Azerbaijan also stated that the arrested people were also suspected
    of assassination plot of rabbi and teacher of the Jewish school KHABAD
    "Or Avner" in Baku. Iran, allegedly, planned those assassinations as
    a revenge for a recent killing of nuclear scientist in Tehran.

    One rather interesting nuance - for recent year and a half at least
    five leading scientists dealing with nuclear issues have been killed
    in Iran. The last case happened in January 11, 2012 when Professor
    Mostafa Akhmadi Roshan was killed in Tehran. This is a case to which
    the MSS of Azerbaijan refers the "revenge" of Iran, which "sent a
    group of terrorists to Baku". But judging by a long story told by the
    MSS of Azerbaijan, people arrested had visited Iran for many times,
    they brought weapons, money, then they exchanged their weapons to
    new ones etc. Carrying out such long preparation works does not fit
    to the terms which fall within January 11th and January 19th when a
    statement of MSS of Azerbaijan was made.

    Meanwhile, information that the "Iranian terrorists" Rasim Aliyev
    and Ali Guseynov were arrested in October 2011 appeared in press
    in October and their linkage to the scientist killed in Tehran on
    January 11 is of artificial or it would be better to say propagandistic
    character. Azerbaijan obviously fills a necessity to report back to
    Israel and US to their "efficient anti-terrorist activity directed
    against Iran". By the way, Ilham Aliyev, during his visit to Swiss
    Davos, was honored with encouraging back-slapping by the president of
    Israel Shimon Peres. According to the Israeli and Azerbaijani media,
    Sh. Peres thanked president Aliyev "for prevention of terrorist act
    in Baku directed against Jewish figures". Aliyev, of course, could not
    prevent from playing up to: "Azerbaijan proved its ability to protect
    itself and its citizens despite their ethnic and religious identity".

    It is remarkable that on October 11 it was stated in Washington about
    charging two Iranians of preparation of terrorist act and assassination
    of the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the US Adel Al Jubeir. In fact,
    on those very days the "Iranian terrorists" were arrested in Azerbaijan
    either. But the US has not managed to present any distinct proves of
    complicity of Iran in attempt on Saudi ambassador's life; there are
    no proves of such an attempt being prepared at all either.

    Synchronizm of charging Tehran of terrorism by Washington and Baku
    attracts attention. Azerbaijan - it can be seen with the unaided eye
    - plays up to the US in its aspiration to isolate Iran. And though
    in Azerbaijan they always treated Iran with undisguised hostility,
    a stream of insults and even curses in address of Iran, which can be
    heard from different officials in Baku, has intensified recently. Now
    they are accusing them of terrorism.

    It is symptomatic that Tehran is accused of terrorism by a state,
    on the territory of which leaders of terrorist organizations
    working against Iran - "Monafegin" and "Mojahedin e Khalk" - freely
    live. Moreover, they are even offered air time on Azerbaijani TV
    channels. For many years American radars directed against Iran are
    deployed on the territory of Azerbaijan. There is no doubt that a
    friendship of Baku and Washington directed against Iran attaches
    Azerbaijani politicians confidence of their impunity.

    On January 30 a panel session of Party of People's Front of United
    Azerbaijan (PPFUA) was held; unprecedented decision was taken at
    the session. Party applied to the Turkic speaking population of Iran
    and called them to oppose to the policy of the Iranian authorities
    directed to the friendship with Armenia. The PPFUA also summoned
    "Azerbaijanis" of Iran to oppose to building oil pipeline going from
    Iran to Armenia. Accusing Iran of "anti-Azerbaijani" and "anti-Muslim"
    (! - L. M.-Sh) policy, the PPFUA explains it saying that the purpose
    of Iran is "to dishearten Azerbaijani people and to shake its unity".

    There are many examples of direct interference of Azerbaijan into
    domestic affairs of Iran. There are even more publications in the
    Azerbaijani press where Iran is represented as a universal evil. Here
    a question arises: Is there only an aspiration to please the US and
    Israel behind radical anti-Iranian stance of Baku or there are some
    interests of Azerbaijani Republic hidden behind it?

    In Azerbaijan territorial claims to Iran are sounded on all levels
    - from common journalists to the state officials from president's
    apparatus and members of the parliament. In its turn, the president of
    Azerbaijan, being afraid of laying undisguised claims to his mighty
    neighbor, as well as refraining from the support of anti-Iranian
    militaristic statements by Israel and US, in fact furthers the policy
    of isolation of Tehran and promotes stimulation of civil confrontation
    in this country.

    Undoubtedly, Azerbaijan is afraid of large-scale military actions in
    the region and their consequences, but it is not avers to surgical
    air and missile strikes on Iran, which can, in the opinion of Baku,
    break up the whole country. And as a prize for an exemplary conduct
    Baku hopes to grab vast territories of Iran. In the opinion of
    Baku those hopes are substantiated as they coincide with the plans
    on building New Big Middle East issued by Washington. In its turn,
    Tehran has stated for many times that in case of aggression directed
    against Iran all the states which helped the aggressors would suffer.

    And this seems to be the only circumstance which makes Azerbaijan
    not show off its support to the forming anti-Iranian coalition. But
    it does not want to stop it either.

    From: Baghdasarian