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RA Human Rights Defender Assesses 2011 Activities Of Ministry Of Agr

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  • RA Human Rights Defender Assesses 2011 Activities Of Ministry Of Agr


    15:24, March 28, 2012

    Shortcomings and problems identified

    New food safety public service of the Ministry of Agriculture has
    not fully taken control over the sale of meat, while among other
    functions food safety is also included into the functions of the
    Ministry of Agriculture.

    Agricultural insurance has not been invested yet; however, insurance
    can provide the agricultural sector entrepreneurs with assistance in
    case of damages caused by natural disasters.

    Despite the favorable business environment created for manufacturers
    and practical and positive steps undertaken by the Ministry, the
    results were not sufficient.

    State Security Service of the Ministry did not properly supervise
    the activities of the companies producing bread.

    There are not sufficient slaughterhouses in the country for
    performing butchering properly.

    Positive developments

    In Agriculture the increase of gross product was around 14.1%
    compared to the last year, due to the increase in volume of livestock
    production, fisheries, vegetables, fruits.

    In 2011 production of grain crops has exceeded the previous year's
    level by 34.8 percent, the size of crop yield and production efficiency
    has significantly increased.

    Positive changes were registered in the field of horticulture. Fruit
    gross output increased by 83.7 percent over the previous year. Growth
    in the production of the crop was also registered.

    The provision of fruit and vegetable processing companies exceed the
    previous year's level, respectively, 1.7 and 3.9 times. Corresponding
    payments were fully made.

    Fairs for agricultural products were organized inYerevanevery
    Saturday and Sunday in order to support the sale process of
    agricultural products.

    Considerable work has been done in favor of entrepreneurs in terms
    of credit available to agriculture activities. By two phases of the
    project more than 25 000 unit credits were provided by interest rate
    subsidies with 17.4 billion AMD.

    Legislative changes have been made by the Ministry that allow to
    import agricultural tractors, other equipment, fertilizer, seed,
    pesticide, as well as by exempting the sale of the value added
    tax to promote the availability of their purchase by agricultural
    entrepreneurs as well as promote their import and expansion of the
    volume of their usage.

    Assistance was provided to increase the level of technical
    equipment of cooperatives. Consumer cooperatives were established in
    33 communities of 5 marzes ofArmeniaspecialized in cattle-raising.

    Karen Andreasyan,

    Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia

    The list of the identified positive developments, gaps and shortcomings
    is not exhaustive.

    The introduced Chapter (6) of the HRD Annual Report 2011 is available
    in full at .

    The HRD Annual Report 2011 was developed based on the complaints
    received by the Staff of the Human Rights Defender, legislation
    analysis, trustworthy and non-disclaimed publications in press,
    reports of the international and local organizations as well as
    information received during the interviews with field specialists
    and human rights defenders.
