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Richard Giragosian: Despite Odds, Confident Mood In Karabakh

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  • Richard Giragosian: Despite Odds, Confident Mood In Karabakh


    Noyan Tapan
    2012-03-29 22:28:27

    Armenian residents still as determined as ever to win international acceptance.

    By Richard Giragosian - Caucasus
    CRS Issue 635,
    27 Mar 12

    After 20 difficult years living in Azerbaijan's shadow, Armenians in
    Nagorny Karabakh appear increasingly confident about the future.

    Although the conflict remains unresolved and Karabakh has not won
    international recognition as a separate state, people there remain
    steadfast about holding onto their hard-won independence.

    Progress on building a new state and establishing a political process
    continues regardless of the problems. In fact, Nagorny Karabakh's
    electoral record suggests its democratic credentials are better than
    Armenia's, let alone Azerbaijan's.

    Such developments tend to be ignored by outsiders, for whom Karabakh
    is either a focus for geopolitical competition or the subject of
    mediation by major powers like France, Russia and the United States.

    On the ground, though, perspectives and priorities are quite different.

    For most people in Karabakh, the most pressing concern is the state
    of the economy, rather than the dormant peace process. While proud
    of their republic, they struggle to make ends meet, and many rely on
    money sent back from relatives working abroad. And as the situation
    has deteriorated in recent years, some residents will admit - albeit
    reluctantly and in private - that they too are thinking of leaving
    in search of work. Young people, too, acknowledge that they worry
    about finding work once they graduate.

    Take Anna, a 23-year old holding down a job in one of the better
    hotels in the local capital Stepanakert. Her sense of satisfaction
    with having a steady and reasonably well-paid job is tempered by
    frustration and regret.

    "I like my work and I'm happy - but I am also ashamed," she told me.

    "I am sad because I do have a job while my brothers and my father
    can't find work. And my friends are jealous. I feel guilty sometimes,
    and sad too."

    The general lack of optimism about the economy and job prospects also
    applies to politics. Asked about the upcoming parliamentary election in
    neighbouring Armenia in May, very few people expressed much interest.

    "Sure, the Armenian election is obviously important, but not so
    much for us," Tevan, 21, a university student studying politics
    and international relations, said. "In any case, everyone knows the
    outcome - the Republican Party will win. But that doesn't really affect
    us here in Karabakh. The real difference is that here in Karabakh,
    every election that we've ever had has been free and fair, whereas
    in Armenia, I can't remember any free or fair election."

    This strong sense of pride in Karabakh's democratic credentials - which
    many feel is not sufficiently appreciated elsewhere - is widespread.

    As Anahit, a middle-aged housewife put it, "We are never going to
    leave our lands, and you must understand that we'll never ever accept
    anyone trying to hand us back to the Azerbaijanis. After all, we are
    free, strong, and living in a democracy. Why we would we ever want
    to revert to Azerbaijan?"

    As justification for this position, other residents noted that February
    19 marked the eighth anniversary of the murder of an Armenian army
    officer by an Azerbaijani soldier while both were attending a NATO
    course in Hungary. Memories of the incident reinforce fears of
    Azerbaijan, especially as some officials there hailed the murderer
    as a true patriot.

    The escalating tensions along the front line that separates
    Armenian-held territory from Azerbaijan, with sniper fire that is now
    almost routine, only seem to make Karabakh's residents more determined
    to claim independence.

    The threat of renewed conflict is never far from people's minds. This
    underlying mood continues to permeate Karabakh. People living in
    border areas believe an Azerbaijani attack is increasingly likely,
    although they believe the Karabakh military would be able to fend
    off any assault.

    In urban centres, the possibility of war in nearby Iran is also
    a preoccupation.

    According to Hamlet, a father of four, "It isn't like we are siding
    with the Iranians. But we don't want war to return to this region. We
    can remember what war is really like, and no one deserves that again.

    We trade with the Iranians, and Iran has never betrayed us by
    supporting Azerbaijan as the Turks did. But I am worried."

    War with Iran would, Hamlet said, harm Karabakh's already frail

    "If there is war, the [Iranian] trucks will stop coming and, God
    forbid, the Azeris may think they can attack us if there is a war
    going on nearby," he said.

    The danger of renewed hostilities with Azerbaijan is real enough. The
    divide between how Armenians and Azerbaijanis see Karabakh's future
    remains insurmountable. And since the Karabakh Armenians are blocked
    from participating in the peace talks, which involve Yerevan and Baku
    only, the chances of progress seem remote.

    For the people of Karabakh, the next two decades are likely to be full
    of challenges just as daunting as those they have weathered over the
    past twenty years.

    Richard Giragosian is director of the Regional Studies Centre, an
    independent think tank in Yerevan, Armenia.
