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Has PAP Waken Up Or It's A Game?

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  • Has PAP Waken Up Or It's A Game?

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 12:32:09 - 01/05/2012

    The Constitutional Court accepted for processing the request
    of the Prosperous Armenia and ARFD MPs demanding to declare
    anti-constitutional the provision of the Election Code banning the
    release of the voters' list after the elections.

    The Court is going to consider the case on May 5, one day before the
    elections, on Saturday. This shows how unserious the CC treats the
    request of the MPs and the request will hardly be met.

    The court is possible to consider the case for the whole day and
    then postpone it till May 7, Monday. The court is also possible to
    declare the request of the MPs legal stating at the same time that
    the parliament needs to amend the Election Code. After May 6, the
    elections will not be released for sure.

    What is this - a Western initiative or a game by the Prosperous
    Armenia? If the ARFD and Heritage, during the consideration of the
    Election Code last year demanded to release the voters' lists, the
    PAP would not vote against Election Code, stating that the greater
    part of its demands was accepted.

    The party gave the same answer to the demand by Heritage, ARFD and
    the Armenian National Congress to pass to the full proportional system.

    PAP pharisaism failed the formation of e unique front against the
    RPA and forcing it to adopt the amendments.

    Now, the PAP has become the advocate of the publication of lists and
    fair elections. Why? Did the PAP hope for a deal with the Republican
    Party before the election, and therefore it didn't want to burn
    the bridges? In the end, election ploy as the uncertainty of lists,
    and maintaining a majority "reserve" played in favor of the PAP.

    But apparently, the parties failed to agree and when real competition
    came, the PAP suddenly remembered about frauds. True, it is too late
    because it reminds a game with the perspective to win points to be
    ready for the next deal.

    It is noteworthy that the Republican Party doesn't consider it
    necessary to justify itself for not wanting to release the lists. They
    only refer to the Venice Commission, which supports the secrecy of the
    vote. The RPA is like a child who is suspected of stealing something
    and who is asked to open the fist, but he stubbornly and arrogantly
    refuses. Everyone knows that the RPA relies on the votes of absent
    people and this is its only weapon, illegal one, and the party looks
    right into your eyes and keeps refusing to open the fist.

    How is it possible to dwell on legitimacy after all this? Does the
    RPA hope that everything will be like in 2007? When everyone had to
    reconcile with the absolute majority of the Republican Party even
    despite the huge number of frauds and breaches. There was heard a
    sacred statement - there have been frauds which didn't influence the
    outcome of elections.

    Perhaps, RPA hopes are grounded taking into account the behavior
    of the Prosperous Armenia: it say nothing about being opposition,
    it just wants as many parliamentary seats as the RPA to become on
    equal terms in the coalition, as Vartan Oskanian says.

    What will change in the state system of Armenia If the percentage
    ratio of the RPA-PAP changes from 80-20 to 60-40, or even 50-50? Will
    the Prosperous Armenia insist on amendments to the Election Code then
    too, or it will go back to its course?
