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End Of Mashtots Park Saga?: President Orders Dismantling Of Controve

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  • End Of Mashtots Park Saga?: President Orders Dismantling Of Controve

    By Naira Hayrumyan

    02.05.12 | 11:25


    In what was likely a pre-election publicity stunt, on May 1 President
    Serzh Sargsyan visited the Yerevan park that has been a point of
    environmental protests in the past three months and urged the city
    mayor, Taron Margaryan, accompanying him on the trip to get the
    "ugly pavilions" dismantled.

    "You did everything right, made the right decision on the temporary
    placement of pavilions. In fact, it all was supposed to be dismantled
    within two or three years. But, my dear Taron, you can see yourself
    that this is not so nice, and it would be nice to find a way to
    dismantle it. That would be the right decision," said President
    Sargsyan, who is also the leader of the ruling Republican Party of
    Armenia (RPA), now leading his political force's campaign ahead of the
    May 6 parliamentary elections. (Mayor Margaryan is also a senior member
    of the party and high on the RPA proportional list). The comments
    appeared on the presidential website along with video provided to
    television companies.

    It is more than 80 days that environmental activists have been
    regularly on protest in the park off Yerevan's central Mashtots
    Boulevard trying to prevent the construction of trading pavilions
    that had earlier been dismantled from the sidewalk of another downtown
    street as part of the program of the mayor's office aimed at removing
    illegal shops and kiosks from city streets.

    A month ago, well-known scholars jointed the young activists, setting
    up 10 so-called "Dismantling Brigades" that since then have three times
    attempted to dismantle the pavilions by themselves but each encountered
    heavy police cordons. The last such attempt was made on April 29 and it
    turned nasty as clashes between activists and police resulted in some
    light injuries on both sides, with seven activists briefly detained.

    The dismantlers vowed to make the next attempt on May 6, Election Day.

    It is this circumstance that many say proved decisive for Sargsyan
    to visit the site and urge the mayor to end the strife.

    Meanwhile, the public organizations dealing with the problem of the
    Mashtots Park issued a statement saying that the responsibility for the
    illegal installation of the shops is on the mayor of Yerevan and that
    power in the city must be returned to its citizens. They also called
    for the condemnation of what they believe to be police misconduct,
    instead of calling it achievement and thanking police officers for
    their service (which Sargsyan did on his trip to the park).

    "Serzh Sargsyan did not address the rights of Armenian citizens and the
    protection of the prevailing public interest in any way," protesters'
    said in their statement, demanding that the decision on construction
    in the party be officially recognized as null and void.

    The mayor's office has not presented any documents that would confirm
    the right to construction in what is public area or the right to
    ownership of the kiosks. Moreover, there was some talk about some
    of the pavilions belonging to Mayor Margaryan himself. The Council
    of Elders, which is authorized to make such decisions, has not shown
    any document either. In this regard, MPs representing the opposition
    Heritage party have sued the mayor's office.

    Member of the first dismantling brigade, blogger Armen Hovhannisyan,
    who was briefly detained during the Sunday action, said that such
    issues are resolved with the participation of representative bodies
    and within the framework of the law. He wondered why there was a need
    to change the decision a couple of days before the elections. They
    should have waited for the decision of the court, he said.

    Meanwhile, RPA spokesman Eduard Sharmazanov has already spurned
    the talk of critics that the U-turn in the Mashtots standoff is a
    campaign ploy.

    "Any issue that has a serious public resonance is also the issue of
    the head of state," Sharmazanov told RFE/RL's Armenian Service.
