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Taron Margaryan Had Better Take A Timeout

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  • Taron Margaryan Had Better Take A Timeout

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 17:04:13 - 02/05/2012

    Serzh Sargsyan, visiting Mashtots Square, put an end on the political
    carrier of the young and perspective Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan.

    Sure, Serzh Sargsyan said for twenty times that Taron was right
    when doing this or another thing, but in reality, he said that Taron
    was wrong.

    Serzh Sargsyan has crossed up Taron many times, perhaps, honestly
    supporting him. First, he didn't appoint him Mayor when Gagik Beglaryan
    resigned. Then he said that Taron is too young to be the mayor of
    the capital. Then, after almost a year, Serzh Sargsyan, after Karen
    Karapetyan's resignation, however appointed Taron. But he said at the
    same time that Taron will justify the hopes. Serzh Sargsyan still
    thous Taron as if stressing his young age and the fact that he was
    trusted the office early.

    Such approach doesn't make Taron look a solid Mayor. He can't come
    out of Serzh Sargsyan's paternalism and take independent decisions.

    But the biggest 'treachery' began after the story with Mashtots
    square. Even when it became clear that the citizens' movement against
    the construction of the park boutiques won't quench, but rather, it
    is gaining momentum, Serge Sargsyan did not interfere. He saw that
    all the cones fall on Taron, that he is the only accused person,
    but did nothing to protect the young mayor.

    Perhaps, Taron didn't turn to Serzh Sargsyan for help trying to deal
    with the situation on his own, but he didn't understand that he is
    being crossed up. Apparently, at a moment, when it became clear that
    on may 6, the next attempt to dismantle the boutiques will be hold,
    Taron went to the president and told him what he had in his mind.

    Perhaps he didn't say that he is being crossed up but complained that
    he is left alone with the problems, however, it fit the "fatherly"
    attitude of Serzh Sargsyan, who went out and supposedly rescued the

    In reality, Serzh Sargsyan put an end on Taron's carrier. He, actually,
    said that the mayor didn't justify the trust. Taron will need much
    time to restore his solid image and authority. Perhaps, he will need
    a timeout and the best way will be the resignation which will enable
    the young politician gain strength and experience to return again.
