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Israeli Analyst Yuriy Bocharov: "the War With Iran Has Not Started Y

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  • Israeli Analyst Yuriy Bocharov: "the War With Iran Has Not Started Y


    May 3 2012

    "There is no serious partner of Israel in the region, but Azerbaijan"

    "All countries are at war, which has no rule and honesty"

    Tel Aviv. Farid Akbarov - APA. Interview with Israeli political
    analyst Yuriy Bocharov

    - How do you value the current phase of Israel-Azerbaijan relations?

    - I think we are on the summit of cooperation. Of course, I would like
    to see better and wider relations. We would like the relations to pass
    from the level of leadership into wider level - the level of ordinary
    people and to cover business, tourism, culture and education. I think
    our foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman's last visit to Baku aimed to
    widen relations in many spheres. The signed agreements and memorandums
    could be examples.

    - Could Azerbaijan be considered as the main partner of Israel in
    the South Caucasus?

    - There is no serious partner of Israel in the region, but Azerbaijan,
    because Azerbaijan is the strongest and leading republic in the
    South Caucasus. We would like to be friend of everyone, including
    Armenia and Georgia, but our relations with those countries can not
    be compared with our relations with Azerbaijan.

    However I am concerned about some ideas expressed in the Azerbaijani
    mass media. They say while Iran-Armenia relations are extending,
    Azerbaijan-Israel relations become wider. That is to say they keep
    relations with us only to irritate Iran. If tomorrow Iran cuts
    relations with Armenia, will we do same thing?

    - What is Israel's position on Nagorno Karabakh conflict? Does Israel
    recognize Armenia as an aggressor country?

    - I can only recall ideas of some politicians. All countries recognize
    the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, but it is unlikely that
    someone recognizes the independence of Nagorno Karabakh. Avigdor
    Lieberman said during his visit to Baku: "We support the territorial
    integrity of Azerbaijan and peaceful solution to the conflict. We are
    hopeful that there will be fair solution". I have no other words to
    add it.

    I have a return question. How will the recognition of the Azerbaijan's
    territorial integrity by the world union assist Azerbaijan to liberate
    its lands. I don't think that the level of relations of all countries,
    which have any position on Karabakh issue, will make the UN Security
    Council to recognize Armenia as an aggressor country. If it doesn't
    succeed, why one should need to spend money and forces to show Armenia
    to the world as an aggressor?

    I think that the world knows who is who, but the world leaders prefer
    economical and political dividends in these cases not conscious
    and common sense. When several "interested sides" lose interest in
    empire ambitious of Armenia then the formula of fair settlement of
    the Nagorno Karabkah will be found.

    - US-based "Foreign Policy" newspaper published that Azerbaijan
    allowed Israel to use its military airdromes. How it can be true?

    -I will answer the question with question. Is it good for anyone? Who
    can be interested in releasing "secret information" on joint
    preparations of Azerbaijan and Israel against Iran? Azerbaijan and
    Israel have enough economical and political enemies. It is not secret
    that welfare and wealth of Azerbaijan keep some forces on the run.

    Many people want to break economical and political stability in the
    republic for the sake of own political and economical interests.

    All of us are at war, at information war. This war has no rule and
    honesty. The main weapon in this war is provocation and abasement.

    First they slander you and then force you justify yourself. I liked
    the statements by some Azerbaijani officials that can be expressed
    by a phrase: "Don't interfere in our affairs, mind you own business".

    We will know how real it is after that these events finish. Of course,
    if they happen. May be it will never happen.

    - Does Israel need Azerbaijan's help when the war starts with Iran?

    Azerbaijan said that it has friendly relations with Iran.

    - In my opinion, all "interested" parties will coordinate everything
    before the war starts. May be the war has not started yet because
    the parties hadn't reached an agreement. In my opinion, Israel is
    interested to use Azerbaijan's energy potential during a peace period,
    because it will be difficult to use this potential during the war
    because of possible sanctions by political and economic groups of
    the Middle East.

    I think that you must be interested in the question "Will Israel side
    Azerbaijan if Azerbaijan starts war with Armenia?" In my opinion it
    is easier to say "yes" to that question than "no".

    - The start of war in the region will make Israel face-to-face with
    Turkey. The relations between the two countries are not so good in
    recent years.

    - If you mean the war with Iran, I think that this issue is the same
    with Azerbaijan. Israel can attack Iran, but the war will be continued
    within a coalition led only by the US. Most probably we will be in
    coalition with Turkey.

    If we talk about the developments in Syria, which are beyond the
    control of the world community and country's leadership, strange as it
    may seem, we have the same interests with Turkey in the possible war.

    If Bashar al-Assad's government provokes Israel, I don't think that
    the Turkish government will help him.

    - Is the Israeli Knesset going to recognize the Khojaly genocide? Did
    the MPs make such proposal?

    - I am not sure that our Knesset is ready to recognize any genocide.

    In my opinion the Knesset will be engaged most of all in early
    elections next 4-5 months. After the elections it will be possible to
    discuss this issue as soon as the coalition government establishes. In
    principle, there are people in the Knesset who can undertake the
    settlement of this issue. The question is in the initiative. Except
    the appeals made under the auspices of Azerbaijan-Israel International
    Association, nobody had ever addressed them. Azerbaijani diaspora
    representatives have a chance to press the issue, but we mustn't be
    the initiators.

    From: A. Papazian