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Assyria: Genocide Monument Unveiled In Armenia

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  • Assyria: Genocide Monument Unveiled In Armenia


    May 3 2012

    An official unveiling of a monument dedicated to victims of the
    Assyrian genocide has taken place on 25 April 2012 in Armenia, with
    representatives from the Armenian government and Assyrian organizations
    from abroad both in attendance.

    Below is a press release from the Assyrian Universal Alliance:

    Once again the Assyrian nation has proved that it will mass stronger
    against all attempts to deny the Assyrian genocide committed by the
    Ottoman Turkey during WWI, which claimed about 750,000 innocent lives,
    and show to the world the heinous crimes committed against its people.

    "Turkey is still living in denial of this fact" Mr. Arsan Mikhaylov

    On Wednesday 25th April 2012, the Assyrian people of Armenia gathered
    en masse to celebrate the official unveiling of the Assyrian genocide
    monument in a public land located at Crossroads of Moskovyan and
    Nalbandyan in central Yerevan. A special prayer service was organised
    by the Rev. Father Isaac Tamras from the Assyrian church of the East
    at the beginning of the ceremony.

    The formal proceedings began with the Armenian and the Assyrian
    national Anthems, followed by a minute silence observed in memory of
    victims of the Assyrian genocide. After welcoming the attendees by
    the Master of ceremonies Mr. Razmik Khosroev, RA Meritorious Artist,
    lecturer at Yerevan Theatre and Film, State Pedagogical University, he
    then invited Mr. Arsan Mikhaylov, president of the Atour Association in
    Armenia and the Secretary of Eastern Europe of the Assyrian Universal
    Alliance to welcome the attendees.

    "What prompted us to build this Assyrian genocide monument in
    Armenia is our respect for our martyrs who gave their lives for the
    preservation of our Assyrian cultural and ethnic identity, and also
    to add our voice to those of our fellow Armenians in this country" Mr.
    Arsan Mikhaylov said.

    Mr. Mikhaylov continued that many Assyrian organisations from different
    countries have contributed to the cost of the entire project. The site
    is expected to become a pilgrimage site not only for the Assyrians
    but for Armenians and Pontic Greeks who are also victims of the
    same genocide.

    Representatives from the Armenian government and Assyrian organizations
    from abroad attended the unveiling together with a large number of
    news agencies. Participating in the opening ceremony was Mr.

    Galust Sahakyan, the leader of the Republican faction, who condemned
    genocides by saying that "Even today the genocide continues against
    cultural values." He stressed that Armenia is home to the Assyrians
    and "here the Assyrians are not guests."

    Attending this historic event from Australia Mr. Hermiz Shahen, the
    Deputy Secretary General of the Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUA)
    in his speech thanked members of the Statue Project Committee who
    worked hard to bring this project to reality, particularly the artist
    for designing this magnificent monument, and the many volunteers who
    worked tirelessly to build it.

    In his address Mr. Shahen said "this is a significant event in the life
    of our nation and our people in Armenia and abroad; communities that
    have been established as a direct result of the continuous assaults
    on the Assyrian nation. This genocide monument speaks of what is
    occurring today to indigenous Assyrians in Iraq and Syria, who are
    facing systematic campaigns of murder, kidnapping, intimidation and
    destruction, and calls for a just and moral intervention by all people
    and nations who value humanity."

    In his final notes Mr. Shahen appealed to the Armenian government,
    as well as to other countries, to condemn these heinous acts committed
    against the Christian citizens of Anatolia, and urged all international
    humanitarian institutions to pressure Turkey to acknowledge and
    apologise for the atrocities its Ottoman leaders committed against
    their Assyrian, Armenian and Pontic Greek citizens during World War I.

    The next speaker Mr. Sabri Atman, Director - Assyrian Genocide
    Research Center (Seyfo Center) expressed his deepest appreciation
    to the Armenian community and authorities in the Republic of Armenia
    and the City of Yerevan for making this day a reality.

    Mr. Atman continued "the genocide committed against the Assyrian
    people by the Ottoman Empire and other genocides, including the
    1933 Semele Massacre in Northern Iraq are historical realities that
    have affected the lives of every Assyrian family. Close to 100 years
    after the Assyrian genocide and 80 years after the Semele Massacre,
    Assyrians continue to fight for justice and recognition. The genocide
    which exterminated hundreds of thousands of our people destroyed our
    lands and forever changed the demographic of the area we called home
    for thousands of years. As a representative of the Assyrian community
    I simply ask for justice for my people also, no more and no less!"

    The next speaker Mr. Armen Marukian, head of the department of Armenian
    Genocide Questions in the Institute of History - National Academy
    of Sciences, congratulated the Assyrians for honouring their martyrs
    and talked about the importance of the Assyrian genocide monument.

    Among the speakers was Mr. Albert Yakubov, the late Lina Yakubova's
    father and the Secretary of the Governor of Ararat Region, who spoke
    about the well-being of the Assyrians in Armenia, and the support
    provided by the Armenian government to them.

    Dr. Anahit Khosroeva, Ph.D., a senior researcher in the Institute of
    History - National Academy of Science from the Republic of Armenia,
    spoke about the atrocities committed against the Assyrians and the
    Armenians, and highlighted the importance of the Assyrian genocide
    monument in Armenia.

    The speeches were interrupted because of the sudden rain. Participants
    commented that the heaven was sharing in their grief and sorrow.
