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Ethnic Communities Fertile Turf For Political Fundraising

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  • Ethnic Communities Fertile Turf For Political Fundraising

    Michael Doyle

    McClatchy Washington Bureau
    May 2, 2012 Wednesday

    Ethnic loyalties can kick-start a congressional challenge, San Joaquin
    Valley races show, but beware: crossing the finish line takes more.

    Vividly illustrating the Valley's diversity, three high-profile,
    first-time House candidates this year include a Hmong-American born
    in a refugee camp, a Hispanic born to a farmworker family and a Sikh
    born to immigrant parents in San Joaquin County.

    Fresno City Councilman Blong Xiong, former astronaut Jose Hernandez
    and law student Ricky Gill differ politically, and each is competing
    in a different district. They have in common, though, an early reliance
    on their own distinctive ethnic communities for financial support

    "All candidates raise money initially from the people they know,"
    Xiong's campaign manager Shaun Daniels said Wednesday

    Xiong is a Democrat running in a Republican-tilted congressional
    district centered in Kings County. At least 128 of the individual
    donations reported by Xiong during the first three months of 2012 are
    associated with names indicating Laotian ancestry, Federal Election
    Commission records show. This amounts to more than 85 percent of all
    of his individual donations.

    "He would be the first Hmong member of Congress, and there's been
    a lot of interest in the Hmong community" Daniels said, adding that
    extended family connections also help.

    Xiong, though favored by the Democratic Congressional Campaign
    Committee, is having to compete in the 21st Congressional District
    against fellow Democrat John Hernandez, chief executive officer of
    the Central California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Each wants the
    chance to go against Republican Assemblyman David Valadao.

    In a similar vein, Gill is a Republican running against Rep. Jerry
    McNerney, D-Pleasanton, in a district centered in San Joaquin County.

    Gill began last year with an emphatic fundraising boost from the Sikh
    and Indian-American communities. More than 400 individual donations
    in his first 2011 fundraising quarter were associated with names
    indicating Indian ancestry, records show; they amounted to over 90
    percent of his initial individual donations.

    "I do think there are a lot of Indian-Americans who are supporting
    Ricky," Gill's campaign manager Colin Hunter said, while adding that
    "there are some who come on board for other reasons; they are farmers,
    they are businessmen."

    As Hunter suggested, business or ideological reasons rather than ethnic
    solidarity may well motivate contributions that otherwise hint at an
    ethnic connection. Xiong's opponent Valadao, for instance, has raked in
    donations from the Valley's Portuguese-American dairy farmers. Maybe
    they like his ethnicity, maybe they like his own dairy background,
    maybe they like something that cannot be easily summed up.

    Hernandez is running against Rep. Jeff Denham, R-Turlock, in a
    district centered in Stanislaus County. His fundraising, while not as
    ethnically concentrated as the early fundraising by Gill and Xiong,
    has been given a boost by fellow Hispanics. Roughly one-third of
    the individual donors in his first fundraising quarter came from
    individuals with Hispanic or Portuguese surnames.

    "The Valley is a very diverse area and the support that Jose has
    received over the course of the campaign has represented that
    diversity," Hernandez's campaign manager Dan Krupnik said Wednesday.

    The fundraising by another highly touted Democrat, Dr. Ami Bera,
    illustrates how viable candidates start with what's ethnically familiar
    and then expand.

    Bera is now running for his second time against Rep. Dan Lungren,
    R-Gold River. In the kick-off fundraising quarter for his inaugural
    2010 race, more than 90 percent of Bera's individual donors had names
    indicating Indian ancestry. Now a proven fundraiser, with $1.1 million
    on hand as of March 31, Bera has also established a significantly
    more diverse donor base, records show.

    This is nothing new, though the fundraising concentration is sometime

    When Fresno businessman Charles "Chip" Pashayan made his first House
    run in 1978, he rallied the support of the region's Armenian-American
    community; during his busiest fundraising quarter that year, 12
    percent of the individual donations were from Armenian-Americans,
    records show. Over the subsequent dozen years Pashayan served in the
    House, he continued raising money from Armenian-Americans as well as
    an ever-expanding base.
