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Spring Of Hope. We Will Soon Be Witnesses To And Participants In Maj

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  • Spring Of Hope. We Will Soon Be Witnesses To And Participants In Maj


    Rossiyskaya Gazeta
    April 26 2012

    Interview with Gagik Tsarukyan, chairman of the Prosperous Armenia
    Party, by Timur Belikov

    Armenia is preparing for the upcoming parliamentary elections. The
    Armenian people are pinning great hopes on this very important
    political event and expect real results not only in improving the
    country's economic situation and boosting their own prosperity, but
    also strengthening the multifaceted ties with the fraternal Russian
    people. However, Russian and Armenian expert circles have recently
    begun saying increasingly frequently that Armenia has begun to drift
    in the direction of the West. Is this the case? Gagik Tsarukyan,
    chairman of the Prosperous Armenia Party, answered these and other
    questions for Rossiyskaya Gazeta's correspondent.

    [Tsarukyan] This is not the case. Yes, Armenia does pursue a
    multidirectional foreign policy. Our country's aim is to live in a
    stable and peaceful region, to cooperate with all interested states,
    and to have as many friends in the world as possible while, for our
    part, also remaining a reliable and predictable partner for them.

    At the same time, a priority avenue of our foreign policy is the
    deepening of allied relations with Great Russia [capitalized as
    published] in the spirit of strategic partnership. Our multifaceted
    ties are developing successfully in all spheres - political, military,
    economic, scientific, cultural, humanitarian, and other spheres.

    Armenia and Russia collaborate closely within the framework of the
    Commonwealth of Independent States, whose 20th anniversary was marked
    recently. The Republic of Armenia is one of the founder members of
    the Collective Security Treaty Organization [CSTO], and we believe
    that active participation in the activities of the CSTO helps in the
    best possible way to ensure our state's security.

    All the remaining forms of international military-political and
    military-technical cooperation can only complement the security
    system that has been shaped. Armenia is also an observer in the EAEC
    [Eurasian Economic Community]. Russia is our biggest financial and
    economic partner and we see great prospects for the implementation of
    major new projects on a mutually beneficial basis and for the benefit
    of our peoples. Russia hosts the world's biggest Armenian diaspora,
    linked by millions of threads to the historic homeland. The Armenians
    in Russia and the Russians in Armenia link our two historically close
    peoples firmly.

    [Belikov] In what areas of cooperation, in your opinion, has the
    potential of Russian-Armenian relations not yet been uncovered to
    the necessary extent?

    [Tsarukyan] Despite the fact that trade turnover between our countries
    has reached $1 billion and Russian investments in the Armenian
    economy total about $3 billion, I believe we must continue work to
    attract Russian capital to Armenia. With a view to presenting the
    opportunities offered by the Armenian market for representatives of
    Russian business, the Expo Russia Armenia exhibitions have been held
    in Yerevan for several years now, on my initiative.

    It is significant that the number of Russian companies taking part in
    the exhibition invariably increases year on year. Russians make active
    contact with Armenian partners and put joint projects into practice.

    Recently there has also been a significant expansion in the business
    programme of forums, including themed "roundtables," meetings with
    representatives of interested Armenian ministries and departments,
    and cultural events. Each of the four exhibitions that have taken
    place has been a significant event in Armenia's life. I am confident
    that the fifth, anniversary exhibition will not disappoint our joint

    We intend to continue this tradition and to give these exhibitions
    deeper and more intensive content. Armenia and Russia have staunchly
    withstood the problems connected with the consequences of the severe
    world financial and economic crisis and I am confident that we will
    soon be witnesses to and participants in major new Armenian-Russian
    economic projects.

    Along with the development of the economy, another key is sue for
    Armenia is the question of ensuring our country's security. In
    this context we note with satisfaction the successful development
    of military-political and military-technical cooperation with the
    Russian Federation. Everyone knows that the Russian military base in
    Armenia is a reliable guarantor of the Republic's security. Armenian
    and Russian border guards jointly ensure the protection of the borders,
    and this is in the spirit of the Armenian-Russian brotherhood in arms
    that developed historically.

    I would also like to note that last year a start was made on a project
    to create a new integration forum. In July 2011 the founding congress
    of the Armenian-Russian Union of Public Organizations was held;
    more than 250 Armenian public organizations and more than 70 Russian
    ones joined. This cooperation format makes it possible to pool the
    potential of Russian and Armenian social structures that operate in
    various areas of the societies' life and activity but which advocate
    the further strengthening of Armenian-Russian ties. In this context the
    Armenian-Russian Union of Public Organizations collaborates actively
    with the All-Russia People's Front.

    In addition I am convinced that bilateral scientific, cultural,
    and educational ties will be stepped up in the very near future.

    [Belikov] You actively supported Russian President-elect V.V. Putin's
    initiative on the formation of a new integration space in the
    post-Soviet space - the Eurasian Union. What do you find attractive
    about this idea?

    [Tsarukyan] Yes, I support Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's idea.

    Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan have already formed the Eurasian
    Economic Union and this international association is designed to
    uncover its members' economic potential to the maximum extent. The idea
    of creating a new integration format in the entire post-Soviet space -
    the Eurasian Union - is an even more ambitious project. After all, it
    concerns not only the economy but also other aspects of collaboration.

    Today we note that our friends in the CIS and Baltic countries are
    closely monitoring the development of this project and awaiting
    successful results. We are glad that the Russian Federation under
    Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has again become a world pole of
    attraction and influence. For our part we have already stated that
    we are prepared to work actively in the direction of disseminating
    the idea of creating the Eurasian Union. Evidence of this is provided
    by the International Forum "The Role of Public Organizations in the
    Formation of the Eurasian Union," which we are currently holding
    in Yerevan in conjunction with the Russian "Development of Eurasian
    Cooperation" Foundation. Representatives of public organizations from
    the CIS and Baltic countries are taking part in the forum. This is
    the first but by no means the last event this year that we will be
    holding on the subject of Eurasian integration.

    [Belikov] The Prosperous Armenia Party, which you head, is one of the
    leaders in the election race in the parliamentary elections to be held
    on 6 May this year. Why do Armenian voters trust Prosperous Armenia?

    [Tsarukyan] In 2004 I and some like-minded people created the
    Prosperous Armenia Party, which very soon became a mass, influential
    political organization. In 2007 we took part for the first time
    in parliamentary elections, in which we came second. We joined the
    ruling coalition and worked actively in the areas entrusted to us. A
    significant section of the Armenian electorate pins its hopes for a
    better future for the country specifically on us.

    In the past five years we have worked painstakingly and to our utmost,
    we have been transparent to our partners in the political field, and
    we have actively advocated dialogue among all political forces for
    the sake of civil consensus and national unity. We are not seduced
    by the results of various ratings but treat the people's confidence
    with great care and respect. I can take it upon myself to say that
    we will c herish this confidence like the apple of our eye and will
    never let down the hopes of people who have put their trust in us.

    We also consistently advocate the holding of honest and fair elections
    meeting modern international standards, and we believe that it is only
    as a result of such elections that a legislature and executive can be
    formed that will be capable of responding to the numerous internal and
    external challenges facing Armenia. We have created a high-quality
    and "feasible" document - the party's election platform, which has
    undergone expert scrutiny by leading Russian and European specialists.

    We are confident that the implementation of this document will lead
    to a new level for our country, to its prosperity.

    [Belikov] You are an influential political figure, a successful
    businessman, a major benefactor, and you head the National Olympic
    Committee. How do you manage to achieve positive results everywhere?

    [Tsarukyan] I started my business 25 years ago after borrowing
    $1,000 from friends. Today my Multi Group corporation is one of
    the multi-profile economic giants of Armenia. I became head of the
    Prosperous Armenia Party when I was already a successful businessman.

    Neither then nor now have I pursued personal political ambitions. I
    want our people to have the opportunity to work and to live a decent
    life, I want the necessary political and economic preconditions for
    our country's prosperity to be created.

    The Gagik Tsarukyan charitable foundation provides help to thousands
    of our citizens - students, disabled people, creative people, young
    people, veterans, people who are simply in need. But the big problems
    facing our country cannot be resolved through charity alone. That is
    why we intend to implement Prosperous Armenia's political election
    programme, pinning our hopes on honestly working, competent, and
    conscientious people.

    As for the Armenian Olympic Committee, our successes in sport are the
    result of the fact that we have created all the conditions for the
    training of athletes and the work of trainers, but in return we demand
    the maximum effort from them. In the Beijing Olympics our team won
    six bronze medals. We hope to do even better in the London Olympics.

    [Belikov] Right after the parliamentary elections in Armenia, the
    inauguration of Russian President-elect V.V. Putin will take place
    in Russia, on 7 May. How, in your view, will these two important
    political events affect the future of Russian-Armenian relations?

    [Tsarukyan] I have already noted that the upcoming parliamentary
    elections in Armenia are the most important political event in our
    country this year. The Armenian people pin great hopes on them and
    expect real results in improving the economic situation and boosting
    their own prosperity. I can say without exaggeration that if we
    waste this political opportunity we will do irremediable damage to
    our citizens' confidence and aspirations. We hope that by the joint
    efforts of Armenia's responsible political forces we will be able to
    embark on the path of political stability and long-term development.

    We sincerely hope that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's new presidency
    will be a time of new initiatives and new projects for Russian-Armenian
    cooperation. Our conviction of this is founded on the fact that
    President Putin has an excellent knowledge of the South Caucasus and
    Armenia in particular. Our people remember his visits to Armenia and
    the excellent results of Armenian-Russian collaboration.

    [translated from Russian]

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress