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Turkey's Deceptive 'Dialogue' With Armenians Backfires

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  • Turkey's Deceptive 'Dialogue' With Armenians Backfires

    By Appo Jabarian

    Executive Publisher/Managing Editor
    USA Armenian Life Magazine
    April 30, 2012

    For many decades now, instead of taking the shortest route to settling
    the Armenian Question fairly and wisely, Turkey has opted for all
    kinds of deceptive tactics to defraud Armenians of their right to
    justice regarding the Armenian Genocide; lost homelands in Western
    Armenia and Cilicia; and illegally confiscated real and personal
    properties of the victims.

    One such practice in deception is the ongoing efforts by Ankara to hold
    yet another dishonest "dialogue" with "soft" or "sensible" Armenians.

    It's interesting that the timing for the said "outreach" almost always
    coincides with the days running up to April 24 of a particular year.

    This year has been no exception. In a follow-up on the pursuit
    of this long-standing stratagem, plans for a new "dialogue" were
    developed in April of 2010. The efforts culminated in forming another
    Turkish-initiated group on "Armenian-Turkish reconciliation," launched
    on April 12th of this year in Washington.

    Upon the learning of renewed Turkish ploys, many Diaspora Armenians
    reacted with condemnations, and resolved to further intensify their
    quest for justice. This year's turnout in practically all Armenian
    Genocide commemorative events, protest marches and rallies was larger
    than previous years. Many attribute these phenomena to a heightened
    Armenian anger at Turkey's obstinate obstruction of justice by way
    of denial and deception. All three major events in the Greater Los
    Angeles area registered a notable increase in participation as:

    - Little Armenia rose in protest with nearly 100,000 marchers;

    - Over 25,000 people gathered around the Armenian Genocide monument
    in Montebello, CA;

    - Nearly 10,000 Armenians held a protest rally in front of Turkish
    consulate in Los Angeles.

    During these events, Armenian survivors and their descendants demanded
    the return of their ancestral lands. Protesters held a giant size map
    of present-day Turkey depicting Turkish-occupied Greek Constantinople,
    Greek Smyrna, Greek Pontus, Western Armenia, parts of Eastern Armenia,
    Armenian Republic of Cilicia, Syrian Alexandretta, and Northern Cyprus.

    The deeply entrenched yet continuously counter-productive Turkish
    state policy of deception and denial has come under fire not only
    by Armenians but also by righteous Turks. These include newly
    self-mobilized Turkish institutions such as BDP, Turkey's Kurdish
    party, and notable Turks such as Hilal Kaplan; a sociologist and an
    influential columnist in Turkish "Yeni Å~^afak," a mainstream Turkish
    daily serving Turkey's very large Muslim community.

    It was also revealed last week that even the late Turkish President
    Turgut Ozal was among lucid Turks vying to find a fair solution for
    the Armenian Question.

    Concerned Turks may question: "Can Turkey benefit or lose by
    indefinitely postponing a fair solution to the Armenian Question?" An
    answer comes from none other than late Pres.


    An April 23 article by Mesut Cevikalp in the Turkish daily, "Today's
    Zaman," gives us a rare glimpse into low profile discussions by
    Pres. Ozal with members of his inner circle.

    Pres. Ozal's "aim was to solve the [Armenian] problem before it got
    too late and through few concessions after reaching a deal with
    the Armenians," Vehbi Dincerler, 71, a former education minister
    and a state minister in Ozal's Cabinet, was quoted as saying in
    "Today's Zaman."

    "Ozal sought to learn what Armenians wanted from Turkey through
    Americans. In 1984 he ordered his advisors to work on possible
    scenarios about the economic and political price Turkey would have
    to pay if Turkey compromises with the Armenian Diaspora, an early
    Turkish acceptance of the term "Genocide." Another scenario was also
    prepared. This plan sought to gauge the political cost of a Turkish
    acceptance of genocide within 20 to 30 years if Turkey is forced to
    accept it one day," Dincerler noted.

    However, strong opposition from some politicians from his party and
    from the military led to him delaying the sharing of details of the
    plan with the public, and he decided to wait for a more appropriate
    time. During a visit to the US in 1991, Ozal had unexpectedly said,
    in a hotel lobby, in front of a group of diplomats and journalists
    after a meeting with representatives of the Armenian lobby, "What
    happens if we compromise with the Armenians and end this issue?"

    The audience was shocked at that time, as was the Turkish public. The
    idea of negotiations with the Armenian Diaspora itself was unacceptable
    and unthinkable in that period. When his statement was publicized in
    Turkey, it sparked criticism and fury among the public.

    Even deputies from the Motherland Party (ANAVATAN), which Ozal
    established and led until he was elected president in 1989, reacted
    harshly to Ozal. However, Ozal was determined. He pushed the limit to
    resolve the Armenian issue in order to avoid facing harder challenges
    such as the possibility that the alleged Armenian genocide would be
    recognized by state legislatures in the United States, further reported
    "Today's Zaman."

    Hasan Celal Guzel, who served in Ozal's government, said the military
    establishment perceived Ozal's moderate approach and policies on the
    Armenian and Kurdish issues as concessions. After Ozal's death, his
    policies of compromising with the Armenians were abandoned. "They [the
    military] saw Ozal as someone who makes too many concessions. They
    stood against his policies. However, Ozal came up with the idea
    that Turkey could reconcile and make peace with the Armenians, who
    had earned the title 'millet-i sadıka' [loyal nation] during the
    Ottoman era. He wanted to open the door for a return of Armenians to
    Turkey. No one has made a move since. Had he not died, he might have
    solved this issue," Guzel told Today's Zaman.

    Has Turkey's future been put on hold with Pres. Ozal's
    departure? Doesn't Turkey have a new leader that would successfully
    fill his shoes, exhibiting similar courage and wisdom to face the
    past in order to pave the road for a peaceful and harmonious future
    for all in the region - Turks, Armenians, Greeks, Kurds, Assyrians,
    Alevis, Cypriots, Syriacs, Arabs, and Jews?

    In the absence of a well-thought out foreign and domestic policy
    of genuine tolerance and acceptance, Turkey's misguided political
    maneuvering will always degenerate into new fiascos and exacerbate its
    international image as a genocidal and occupying state. Any attempts
    for a new "Dialogue" that doesn't include restitution will continue
    to backfire.
