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Regional Policy and Nagorno-Karabakh

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  • Regional Policy and Nagorno-Karabakh

    Regional Policy and Nagorno-Karabakh
    X-Sender: Asbed Bedrossian
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    Policy and Nagorno-Karabakh

    Igor Muradyan, published in the Irates De-Facto

    Story from News:

    Published: 16:59:23 - 05/05/2012

    The international reaction to the parliamentary, presidential and location
    elections in Nagorno-Karabakh Republic always looked concentrated with
    attention and forms of expression. The European Union and the Council of
    Europe, a number of European states and Turkey expressed a definitely
    negative attitude to those elections. Russia used relatively moderate
    wording, while the United States did not declare its attitude,
    demonstrating readiness to continue to provide financial assistance to the
    Armenian population of this region of the Caucasus.

    This international reaction contains a certain portion of emotionality
    which may increase skepticism among the political sets in NKR and Armenia
    and the public at large. It should be noted that the political government
    of NKR did not react to analogical attitude of different countries and
    regional organizations to different elections. The NKR political government
    apparently chose to observe, not even to wait.

    This position might be determined by the underestimation of the existing
    political resource, the factor of the presidential election, the general
    uncertainty of the political situation in the South Caucasus and the
    absence of a multi-direction external political analysis. This position of
    the NKR political leadership in fact encourages such attitude of the
    external environment to such an important process as the elections of the
    legislature and the executive. The reaction of NKR was expressed by the
    civil society institutions mainly.

    We offer a specific analysis and vision of the situation, as well as some
    recommendations. At the same time, it is necessary to take note of the
    following circumstance: it was understood a long time ago that neither
    Armenia, nor the Diaspora organizations supporting Armenian government took
    any efforts to promote the recognition of NKR which is certainly determined
    by the wish to defy the recommendations of foreign parties.

    The necessity to follow the wish of external partners was the condition of
    comfortable existence of the government of Armenia, and they consistently
    played a game of unfolding the international situation around the Karabakh
    issue. In addition, the United States, Russia and France spoke in one voice
    to forbid Armenia to even mention the recognition of the independence of

    Neither Abkhazia, nor Ossetia, and not even Kosovo have been in such a
    situation. As a result the precious time when the balance of forces in the
    South Caucasus was more favorable was wasted.

    At the same time, the period when the positions of the United States and
    some European states were archaic has passed, and the issue of independence
    of NKR was subjected to a single position. The United States has obviously
    reviewed all the postulates which led its geopolitics into deadlocks for a
    long time. Was this issue brought up in the parliaments of the leading
    states? Someone has to deal with it, don't they?

    No doubt the stakeholders are informed well enough about the political and
    social processes happening in NKR. This information is found not only in
    government but also the leading think tanks of the United States, the U.K.
    and Russia. There is a gap between the level of information of the global
    mass media and the analytical community of the leading countries of the
    West and Russia, which indicates that this information on the situation in
    NKR is special, official and probably closed.

    Recently the diplomatic missions of stakeholders have been actively engaged
    in gathering and systemizing information on NKR, hiring experts belonging
    to different political and ideological streams. Formerly the government
    agencies of the Western society had standard evaluations of the lasting and
    deepening economic and social crisis in Armenia and NKR which were based on
    the propagandist activities of the pro-All-Armenian Movement opposition and
    several `political services' of the Armenian Diaspora, now these
    evaluations have changed thanks to the professional activities of
    alternative experts.

    In particular, the functional structures and agencies of the United States
    and the European community have understood that NKR is stirred by an active
    process of establishment of a civil society, economic and administrative
    reforms, the legislative and executive powers are being strengthened, the
    authority of the president, the government, political and civil groups is
    increasing. The armed forces continue to be improved.

    The NKR population displays sufficient civil and political maturity,
    different interesting political and social initiatives are taken. The NKR
    government concludes that it will have to interact with the civil sector
    and more reliable partners in the political field.

    It should be noted that the NKR parliamentary elections in 2010 were
    practically ignored by both Armenia and the world. These elections did not
    interest anyone because they were just a cartoon which highlighted the
    `political history' of NKR.

    The Karabakh society lives its own life, not paying much importance to the
    role and functioning of the government. A military elite and caste has
    emerged in NKR which also does not pay importance to the position of the
    authorities, knowing that the future of NKR is in the hands of the military
    caste and the Karabakh society.

    The position of the authorities explained by servile attitude in
    interaction with Yerevan is understood by the military and the society. NKR
    and the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh remains the priority of the Armenian
    nation which continues to support the `Karabakh idea' as a national idea
    despite the tough economic situation in Armenia and a number of foreign

    The United States and Europe noticed that with the incomplete situation in
    Karabakh the threat of aggression by Azerbaijan persists the NKR society
    conducts local elections, presidential and parliamentary elections, setting
    economic and social priorities. The West (perhaps Russia, Turkey and Iran)
    was surprised and could not understand the new situation. The international
    community was facing the reality of creating full sovereignty in a small
    territory of the South Caucasus, practically in extreme conditions.

    Along with the formation of criminal environments and hotbeds of extremism
    in the territory of other unrecognized states - Kosovo, Chechnya, Bosnia,
    Transdniestrie, NKR formed a national democratic state. The important
    factor was that NKR adapted to the international conditions and in this
    stage of development its priorities are not security or international
    recognition but economic issues.

    It worries the European Union and the Council of Europe which view the
    South Caucasus as a region integrating with the European institutions,
    where despite the European rules of behavior a new model of a sovereign
    state is emerging. It will question the system of the European community
    which has to make concessions to Turkey and even counteract the U.S.
    strategy in Western Europe and other regions.

    The current geopolitical situation is not useful to the United States which
    cannot act productively enough, especially in a number of regions. The
    United States understood that the existing geopolitical framework must be
    reviewed, and the creation of new states, fragmentation of other existing
    states, redrawing of some regional borders will be the objectives of the
    U.S. foreign policy. In addition, the process will start in South Asia.

    Unlike the United States, the European community cannot conduct a real
    consistent policy in such regions as the South Caucasus and Central Asia.
    In these regions only the powers which have established their military
    presence can conduct an active, `real politik'. The European states and
    structures (including the European forces of rapid reaction) do not have
    adequate goals and interests in these regions.

    The European structures are not significant sponsors of Western Europe. In
    this regard, the Europeans can afford to make solely political steps to
    which hardly anyone will pay attention.

    It should be noted that for a number of years the United States made
    efforts to play down the activities and role of the OSCE - an international
    organization where Russia and the Europeans have the right to veto and
    which limits the effective foreign political decisions of the United
    States. Along with the OSCE the United States seeks to play down the role
    of the UN and even NATO for similar goals.

    At the same time, the OSCE is a basis institution of European security, and
    the Europeans seek to reanimate its role. It appears to be an important
    goal of the European politics as a whole. In the spring of 2001 the United
    States were able to play down the role of the OSCE and the Minsk Group in
    the settlement of the Karabakh issue and try to cover this problem in a
    rather frozen state. This goal requires from the Europeans a position which
    will differ from that of the United States which suggests total
    non-recognition of NKR and other analogical states, maintaining a
    meaningless negotiation process by the scheme Armenia-Azerbaijan. Recently
    the United States has reanimated the Minsk Group as a convenient arena for
    agreement of positions of the United States, France (or Europe) and Russia.

    The other goal of the Europeans is rejection of recognition of the `new
    status' of certain ethnic territories. It is growing urgent because the
    United States has apparently decided to settle ethnic conflicts by way of
    granting these territories a definite status which is related to the
    geostrategic goals of the United States to ensure long-term military bases
    in Kosovo, Bosnia, Iraqi Kurdistan and other regions.

    The number of analogical territories will grow. It is possible that this
    process will affect Turkey, Central Asia, North Africa, Southwestern Asia
    and Southern Europe. The United States considers some of these territories
    urgent, while it views others as a reserve in a geostrategic perspective.
    For Europe with its political mentality it is an unpleasant, uncertain

    For a long time the United States viewed not only NKR but also Armenia as
    its geostrategic reserve, and in this connection the Karabakh issue is not
    a problem for the United States as such. Armenia, as well as the Karabakh
    issue have been picked up from the reserve by the Americans and became an
    important factor of constraining Turkey's ambitions only after crossing the
    line in the Turkish and American relations.

    Among the factors influencing the position of Europeans is the urge to
    balance the influence of Europe and Russia on the Caucasus, which will
    hardly be considered an important factor, even though the countries of the
    South Caucasus are assigned the status of `close neighbors'. In the past 20
    years the Europeans did everything they could to minimize Armenia's
    pretensions and have expressed readiness in most ugly ways to ignore the
    interests of Armenia.

    At the same time, as soon as the United States adopted a new policy of
    Turkey, Europe started considering the role of the Armenian factor in
    constraining the efforts of Turkey to join the European Union more openly.
    This position of the Europeans became an instrument for the U.S. strategy,
    as the main constraint to Turkish expansion.

    Since the European political arena is not important for the interests of
    Armenia, especially for NKR, with weak hopes for a positive relation of
    European structures to NKR, it is possible to demonstrate the efficiency of
    Stepanakert's policy and the ability of NKR to react to such steps and
    statements by bringing the example of interaction with Europeans.

    We think it is necessary to link this position of the Europeans with the
    activities of the OSCE Minsk Group and the OSCE. In NKR the subject of
    foreign political interactions is first of all the president. To refuse the
    legitimacy of the president and the parliament of NKR, even as elective
    bodies of the unrecognized state, will question the possibility of
    interaction with the OSCE as an organization representing Europe.

    There may be some objections that this path will lead to the isolation of
    NKR and limit freedom of foreign political maneuvers. In reality, NKR has
    no arena for foreign political interaction except the United States. Only
    this country's government provides assistance to NKR.

    What will this position lead to? It will lead to tough consequences for the
    OSCE which will call for review of the position of Europeans. It may take
    some time and there may be a period of `crisis' for the NKR foreign policy.
    Thus NKR will declare itself a conflict side without whose participation
    the negotiations will be meaningless. The Minsk Group visit NKR as some
    semi-restricted area which does not bring anything into the strengthening
    of NKR. This situation is destructive, and the NKR authorities are
    responsible for it.

    Nevertheless, the European arena will have an important economic role for
    Armenia, even though the role of the United States is crucial for the
    recognition of NKR, the unrecognized state must receive the `certificate'
    of independence from Europe, at least formally. Therefore, if for the U.S.
    democracy in NKR is a sign of readiness for independent and secure
    existence, for Europe democracy in NKR is a condition of top importance.

    With all their refined principles the Europeans cannot leap across the
    informal state of things with democracy and freedoms. The Europeans would
    like to have two incompatible situations: security and conflict for
    unrecognized states; lack of democracy and reason for reproaching,
    instructions and political tribunal.

    The elections in NKR must eventually embarrass the Europeans and lead them
    to a deadlock. The Europeans are seeking for ways of setting a high
    benchmark of democracy for NKR which means turning NKR into a society which
    recognizes fully such pseudo-humanist values as the return of Azerbaijani
    refugees, but they will have to recognize the distinct characteristics of
    NKR and its independence.

    It is possible not to recognize `self-proclaimed' states but it is
    impossible not to recognize the elections otherwise who will get in touch
    with the foreign stakeholders. This is a key argument which NKR must insist
    on, despite the risks. To refuse this policy to the NKR authorities is a
    political crime.
