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EU hopes that negotiations with Armenia on DCFTA will progress

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  • EU hopes that negotiations with Armenia on DCFTA will progress

    EU hopes that negotiations with Armenia on DCFTA will progress
    smoothly and rapidly

    17:37, 5 May, 2012

    YEREVAN, MAY 5, ARMENPRESS: In an interview given to Armenpress John
    Clancy, EU Trade Spokesman said that through the DCFTA the EU aims to
    establish a stable and solid framework for closer economic ties by
    bringing Armenia closer to the EU Single Market. The EU starts the
    DCFTA process convinced that Armenia shares the same ambitious
    objectives and we also hope for Armenia's continued, strong commitment
    to the negotiations.

    "The DCFTA will mark a turning point in EU-Armenia trade relations as
    it will not only tackle market access conditions but also focus on
    regulatory approximation, which will help to achieve a closer economic
    integration of Armenia with the EU. The DCFTA will therefore offer
    Armenia a great opportunity to reform its trade and trade-related
    policies. The continued conduct of these quality reforms, launched
    successfully already in the run-up to negotiations, will be a
    challenging objective, which will however enable Armenia to fully
    benefit from the EU's Single Market.", said John Clancy, EU Trade

    As for the time limits, he noted there is no time limit for the
    negotiations, as their pace depends on the willingness and readiness
    of the parties to advance. "The EU values the outcome more than the
    speed of such negotiations. Three rounds of negotiations have already
    been scheduled for the remaining of 2012 and with the wholehearted
    commitment towards the DCFTA process presented by Armenia so far, the
    EU considers/expects that the negotiations could progress smoothly and
    rapidly "stressed John Clancy.

    In regard to the main priviligies that Armenian economy can enjoy
    concluding this Treaty with the EU, he noted the free trade area is
    expected to diversify and strengthen Armenia's export capacity and
    effectively open the way to access the EU market of 500 million

    "Moreover the DCFTA will help to tackle barriers linked to trade
    related regulations and standards, which will increase Armenia's
    economic competitiveness. The parallel internal reforms aiming at
    stability, transparency and predictability of the legislative regimes
    will further improve foreign direct investment inflows, bring jobs and
    long-term growth. Projected gains for Armenia lie therefore behind the
    border and as such will impact on its long-term development
    perspective. At the end of this process Armenia could see its GDPs
    significantly enhanced," underlined EU Trade Spokesman.

    On the 3 May the EU and the Republic of Armenia had a first exchange
    of views on the technical aspects of the DCFTA process, covering the
    general objectives of the DCFTA and the overall coordination of the
