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WNWI: Moscow concerned over Baku's military alliance with Israel and

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  • WNWI: Moscow concerned over Baku's military alliance with Israel and

    WNWI: Moscow concerned over Baku's military alliance with Israel and USA

    Saturday, May 5, 13:57

    Possible war in Iran will reanimate the old conflict of Armenia and
    Azerbaijan. Even if Azerbaijan is not chosen as a jumping-off place
    to attack Iran, the possible war in Iran may reanimate the old
    conflict of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Radio USA WNWI reported.

    According to the source, Moscow is concerned over Baku's possible
    involvement into a military alliance with Israel and USA against Iran,
    for Azerbaijan's geographical location is quite convenient for
    attacking Iran. It is necessary to reckon with another factor i.e.
    Azerbaijan became a strategic and economic partner of the USA in the
    South Caucasus in the middle of 90s, the radio reports. At the same
    time, WNWI recounts that Tehran has repeatedly blamed Baku for
    participation in various terrorist attacks and acts against Iran and
    especially for cooperation with the Israeli and US special services.

    The radio spotlighted the fact that Azerbaijan has become the first
    country in the world in terms of military spending thanks to
    cooperation with Israel. Azerbaijan is buying already ultra modern
    arms. This, in the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia breaks out again
    the South Caucasus will turn into a battle field for such super powers
    that Russia, USA and Iran.

    From: Baghdasarian