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Armenians see election bringing stability at most

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  • Armenians see election bringing stability at most

    May 4 2012

    Armenians see election bringing stability at most

    By Margarita Antidze and Hasmik Lazarian

    YEREVAN (Reuters) - Gurgen Badasyan has struggled to live on his
    Armenian state pension for years and holds out little hope that a
    parliamentary election on Sunday will improve his life in the
    mountainous South Caucasus state.

    The government raised his monthly teacher's pension in January by a
    few dollars, to $82 from $75, but Badasyan says it is still almost
    impossible to get by.

    "If not for my son and my daughter, I would not survive," the
    68-year-old said, sipping his drink in a cafe in the landlocked former
    Soviet republic's busy capital, Yerevan.

    Like many other Armenians, the most Badasyan is hoping for is a calm
    election that will reinforce stability in the tiny country of 3.3
    million squeezed between Iran and Turkey.

    Above all he wants no repeat of the fraud and violence that marred a
    presidential election in 2008, when eight protesters and two police
    were killed in clashes.

    "My life will be the same after the election, but I don't want to see
    blood and fighting in the street again," he said.

    Isolated and in chaos after the collapse of the Soviet Union, things
    got so bad in the 1990s that people cut down all the trees in Yerevan
    to use as firewood. The trees have been replanted but the capital,
    overlooked by Mount Ararat, is still dominated by Soviet-era apartment
    blocks on its outskirts, with homes near the centre built of a local
    pink-grey stone.

    Armenia nestles in a region that is emerging as a vital transit route
    for oil and gas exports from the Caspian Sea to energy-hungry world
    markets, but has no pipelines of its own.

    Instability is a constant threat as Armenia is locked in a dispute
    with neighboring Azerbaijan over the tiny region of Nagorno-Karabakh,
    over which they fought a war in the 1990s.

    Armenia also has fraught relations with Turkey, in part because Ankara
    does not recognize as genocide the killing of Armenians in Ottoman
    Turkey during World War One.


    Sunday's election is widely seen as a test of democracy and a
    potential challenge for President Serzh Sarksyan, the winner of the
    2008 election.

    The parties involved have made social problems and economic issues the
    main slogans of an election campaign that has been unusually active
    for Armenia, Russia's main ally in the region.

    Girls and boys have been handing out posters and white balloons to
    people in the streets of Yerevan, urging them to vote for Sarksyan's
    Republican Party.

    Prosperous Armenia, a party led by wealthy businessman Gagik Tsarukyan
    that is also in the governing coalition, has posted huge campaign
    adverts on billboards across much of the country.

    Armenia has been gradually recovering from the 2008-09 global economic
    crisis although the average nominal monthly salary is still under

    After a sharp economic contraction of 14.2 percent in 2009, growth was
    4.6 percent in 2011 and the International Monetary Fund expects 3.8
    percent growth in 2012. Inflation was trimmed to 4.7 percent in 2011.

    Opinion polls show the Republican Party and Prosperous Armenia will
    amass more than 60 percent of the votes between them, signaling little
    or no change in government.

    The policies of the coalition, which currently also includes the
    Country of Law Party, are unlikely to change.

    For the first time in Armenia's post-Soviet history, the election is
    less of a traditional conflict between the government and opposition
    than a battle for supremacy between members of the governing

    "What we do see is both a test and an opportunity for the Armenian
    president and the government, a test of their own credibility and
    personal honor, and also an opportunity for the Armenian president to
    move beyond the legacy of March 2008 once and for all," said Richard
    Giragosian, director of the Regional Studies Centre in Yerevan.

    Guillermo Tolosa, the International Monetary Fund's chief
    representative in Armenia, said: "We don't expect any major shifts in
    basic macroeconomic policies and regarding relations with us."

    A newcomer to the parliament could be the Armenian National Congress,
    a diverse coalition of radical opposition groups led by former
    President Levon Ter-Petrosyan, staging a comeback after his defeat in
    the 2008 presidential election.

    (Writing by Margarita Antidze; Editing by Timothy Heritage and Louise Ireland)
