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Some 600 Blackhawks to be `made in Turkey'

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  • Some 600 Blackhawks to be `made in Turkey'

    Some 600 Blackhawks to be `made in Turkey'

    May 5, 2012 - 20:07 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Turkey and the U.S. are seeking to sell some 600
    `made in Turkey' Blackhawk helicopters to third countries, according
    to Francis J. Ricciardone, the U.S. ambassador to Ankara.

    `We will see over 600 Blackhawk helicopters, very high technology
    helicopters, produced here in Turkey. The great majority of these
    helicopters will go to third markets, third countries,' Hürriyet Daily
    News quoted Ricciardone as saying during a Turkish-American business
    council lunch in Istanbul on May 4.

    Around one hundred of these helicopters will be used by the Turkish
    Armed Forces, the ambassador confirmed.

    U.S. firm Sikorsky Aircraft won a $3.5 billion competition in April
    2011 to lead the production of more than 100 large utility helicopters
    for Turkey over Italy's AgustaWestland. The defense firm is mainly set
    to cooperate with local Alp Aviation in production. Along with Alp,
    Ricciardone said some other important firms would also contribute to
    the making of the utility helicopters.

    Sikorsky also became the first major international company to formally
    announce it would also seek to win the light utility helicopter
    contest in May last year. However, no exact date had been decided for
    the production of Blackhawks, said an Alp Aviation spokesperson.

    Possible buyers were also not clear yet, public relations
    representative Melek AkdoÄ?an told the HDN during a phone interview on
    May 4.

    Riccardione also said that the U.S. `supported Turkey's ambitious 2023
    target to become one of the world's largest 10 economies.'

    `Yesterday I met with the representatives of Turkey's Economy Ministry
    and we had talks with more than 70 firms,' he said during his speech.

    `The ministry found a chance to show them all the opportunities in
    Turkey,' he said.
