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Armenia Gears Up For De-Ideologized Election

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  • Armenia Gears Up For De-Ideologized Election

    Armenia Gears Up For De-Ideologized Election

    Supporters of the Prosperous Armenia party attend an election campaign
    rally in Yerevan on May 3.
    May 05, 2012

    It has become progressively clearer during the four-week campaign
    preceding the Armenian parliamentary elections on May 6 that the main
    campaign issue is not the political, economic, or foreign-policy
    choices the country faces, but the actual conduct of the election

    Instead of focusing primarily on their party programs, candidates from
    the seven parties and one bloc competing with President Serzh
    Sarkisian's Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) have accused both the
    HHK and its coalition partner, Prosperous Armenia (BH) of seeking to
    influence the outcome by either the use of "administrative resources"
    or the distribution of financial and material incentives.

    Much media coverage of the campaign too has focused on whether and how
    the HHK and BH can and will use the considerable resources at their
    disposal to illegally augment their share of the vote. Meanwhile,
    election campaign posters on the streets of Yerevan are few and far

    In campaign speeches across the country, President Sarkisian has
    repeatedly pledged to ensure the vote is the most democratic in
    Armenia's recent history, in order to facilitate the formation of a
    government that would enjoy popular trust.

    Responding to allegations that thousands of additional names have been
    added to electoral rolls to enable the ruling party to inflate the
    number of ballots cast for it, HHK spokesman Eduard Sharmazanov
    similarly assured RFE/RL's Armenian Service that "the authorities will
    exclude any undemocratic and illegal manifestation during the
    elections.... We will do everything to make these elections normal and

    The police department responsible for maintaining voter lists claims
    to have reviewed and checked the voter lists to remove the names of
    some 2,000 persons deceased or no longer resident in Armenia. It later
    gave the total number of registered voters as 2,482,238.

    But former Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian, who is second on the BH
    list of candidates competing for the 90 parliament mandates
    distributed under the proportional system, has called into question
    the accuracy of the revised lists. He said last week BH had already
    detected "tens of thousands of inaccuracies" in the electoral rolls,
    including bogus voters with the same date of birth simultaneously
    registered at multiple electoral districts under slightly altered

    Levon Zurabian, a prominent member of former President Levon
    Ter-Petrossian's Armenian National Congress (HAK), pointed to an
    "abnormally" large number of households with 10 or more registered
    voters. He said HAK campaigners had also detected voters listed as
    residents of nonexistent or abandoned apartments buildings in Yerevan.

    In a bid to verify that the number of votes actually cast corresponds
    to the officially proclaimed turnout figure, BH, together with the HAK
    and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation-Dashnaktsutiun (HHD), has
    formally asked the Constitutional Court to annul the legal prohibition
    on publishing after the election the names of those persons who
    actually voted. The three parties joined forces last month to create
    an Inter-Party Center for Public Oversight of the Elections that
    intends to fight electoral fraud. The court is to consider their
    request on May 5.

    Claims Of Vote-Buying

    A second focus of opposition parties' shared apprehension is the
    anticipated recourse by the ruling party to vote-buying, primarily by
    wealthy businessmen running on the HHK ticket. (Ter-Petrossian
    indicated last week that the going rate is 5,000 drams, or $12.76).
    President Sarkisian has issued explicit instructions to prosecutors to
    combat vote-buying, which he described as "a negative phenomenon that
    casts a shadow on the legitimacy of any election."

    HHK spokesman Sharmazanov has categorically denied that his party
    seeks to "buy" votes in exchange for cash sums or the provision of
    services. At the same time, Sharmazanov defended the right of
    individual party members who head charitable foundations to engage in
    charitable activities, providing they do not violate the law.

    The fine line between benevolent activity and soliciting votes for
    material gain is on occasion a subjective one, however. It can and
    frequently is deliberately blurred by election participants seeking to
    discredit rival political parties. Spokesmen for BH Chairman Gagik
    Tsarukian, one of Armenia's wealthiest businessmen, have repeatedly
    denied media allegations in recent weeks that the distribution of
    dozens of tractors in rural districts by a company Tsarukian owns
    constitutes attempted vote-buying.

    Armenia's human rights ombudsman, Karen Andreassian, predicted in
    early April that the actual voting on May 6 would not be marred by
    large-scale fraud. He did not, however, exclude the possibility of
    unspecified "pressure" on voters on polling day.

    The assessments of the previous three Armenian parliamentary elections
    (in 1999, 2003, and 2007) by the OSCE's Office for Democratic
    Institutions and Human Rights all differentiate between the relatively
    unproblematic and fair process of voting and far more serious
    violations during the vote count and tabulation. BH, as a member of
    the three-party body set up to combat fraud, plans to install video
    cameras in all of Armenia's 2,000 polling stations on election day to
    record both the voting and the vote count. "We consider this a very
    important oversight mechanism," Naira Zohrabian, who represents BH in
    the outgoing parliament and is running for reelection, told RFE/RL's
    Armenian Service.
