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Armenia's Ruling Party Poised to Win Parliamentary Elections

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  • Armenia's Ruling Party Poised to Win Parliamentary Elections

    BusinessWeek / Bloomberg
    May 6 2012

    Armenia's Ruling Party Poised to Win Parliamentary Elections

    By Helena Bedwell on May 06, 2012

    Armenia's ruling party is poised to win parliamentary elections today
    as the country votes in the first balloting for the legislature since
    a 2008 presidential vote that triggered deadly protests.

    President Serzh Sargsyan's Republican Party may receive 41 percent of
    the votes today, compared with 33 percent for the junior coalition
    party Prosperous Armenia, according to Brussels-based European Friends
    of Armenia. Exit polls are due after voting ends at 8 p.m. in Yerevan,
    the capital. The two parties haven't said if they would renew their

    Ten people died in clashes between police and protesters after
    Sargsyan defeated Levon Ter-Petrosyan, a former president, in the 2008
    vote that the opposition claimed was rigged. Ter- Petrosyan's Armenian
    National Congress opposition bloc threatened to protest again if there
    is election fraud. The Republican party being forced to form a new
    coalition may help foster democracy, according to Lilit Gevorgyan, an
    analyst at IHS Global Insight in London.

    The election `is likely to bring an end to the absolute parliamentary
    majority of the presidential party,' Gevorgyan wrote in an e-mail.
    `The vote could serve as a model for the wider region for peaceful
    transition from the highly centralized political system to a more
    pluralistic political landscape.'

    Rule of Law, a third coalition party, had 5.4 percent support, the
    opposition Heritage party was at 6.5 percent, Armenian Revolutionary
    Federation at 6 percent and Armenian National Congress had 4.3 percent
    support, according to the April 17-22 poll by European Friends of
    Armenia, which surveyed 1,600 voting-age adults. The margin of error
    is 2.4 percentage points.

    Limiting Demonstrations
    Ter-Petrosyan returning to parliament may help quell discontent,
    limiting potential demonstrations, Richard Giragosyan, the director of
    the Yerevan-based Regional Studies Center, said in a phone interview.

    Armenia, which borders Iran and Turkey, is embroiled in a 20-year
    territorial dispute with neighboring Azerbaijan that threatens to
    provoke renewed conflict in the South Caucasus, risking oil supplies
    from the region. Sargsyan, 57, was born in the Nagorno-Karabakh region
    that's at the center of the feud.

    Tensions are rising over Nagorno-Karabakh, an Armenian- majority
    territory previously under Azeri control, prompting a `spiraling arms
    race' between the two former Soviet states, the International Crisis
    Group in Brussels said in February.

    Potential Flashpoint
    Oil-exporting Azerbaijan and landlocked Armenia fought a war over
    Nagorno-Karabakh after the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 that
    left tens of thousands of people dead and more than 1 million
    displaced. The territory remains a potential flashpoint in a region
    where Russia in 2008 fought a five-day war with Georgia after
    separatist tensions flared up.

    Surging oil prices allowed Azerbaijan to double military spending to
    more than $2 billion last year and emboldened Aliyev to threaten the
    use of military force to regain Nagorno- Karabakh. Russia, which
    brokered a cease-fire in 1994, last year failed to bridge the divide
    when President Dmitry Medvedev met Sargsyan and Azeri leader Ilham
    Aliyev to persuade them to agree on a roadmap for resolving the status
    of the disputed territory.

    Armenia, a former Soviet nation of 3.3 million, became independent in
    1991. The economy is expected to expand 4.2 percent in 2012, Finance
    Minister Vache Gabrielyan said last month. Inflation slowed to 1.9
    percent in April, after accelerating to 7.7 percent in 2011, mainly on
    higher costs on food.

    The government expects a boost to the economy from the possible
    reopening of its border with Turkey, which closed it in 1993 to
    protest Armenia's occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh. The two nations have
    yet to ratify a 2009 U.S.-supported agreement to re-establish ties.

    From: Baghdasarian