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Armenia ruling party heads for election victory

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  • Armenia ruling party heads for election victory

    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    May 6 2012

    Armenia ruling party heads for election victory

    YEREVAN - Agence France-Presse

    Armenia's governing party looked set to win parliamentary polls today
    in the biggest test of the country's fragile democracy since disputed
    leadership elections in 2008 ended in fatal clashes.

    An exit poll suggested that President Serzh Sarkisian's governing
    Republican party had won 44.4 percent of the vote with its outgoing
    parliamentary coalition partner, while the Prosperous Armenia party
    led by a millionaire former arm wrestling champion took 28.8 percent.

    However pollster Gallup International Association warned that the
    figures may not be entirely accurate because some 40 percent of the
    20,000 voters surveyed refused to answer and some bloggers questioned
    their credibility.

    "These results are very preliminary... Who won is clear, but who lost
    is not so," Andrey Raichev of Gallup International Association told
    private Armenia TV, which commissioned the exit poll.

    The authorities had promised an unprecedentedly clean contest for the
    131-seat National Assembly in the hope of avoiding any turmoil after
    battles between riot police and opposition supporters four years ago
    left 10 people dead.

    "I want everything to be calm, peaceful and in accordance with our
    laws today, tomorrow and the day afterwards. This is a guarantee of
    progress," Sarkisian told journalists after casting his ballot in

    The Armenian National Congress opposition bloc led by former president
    Levon Ter-Petrosian has alleged that the governing party is planning
    to rig the vote and has threatened protests.

    "If the elections are normal, we will agree with any result,"
    Ter-Petrosian said after voting.

    Local media reported allegations of polling-day violations including
    incidents of parties bribing voters -- a problem that has marred
    previous Armenian elections -- although it was not immediately clear
    how widespread such irregularities were.

    Prosperous Armenia's musclebound millionaire leader Tsarukian, who
    keeps lions at his opulent villa and is seen by supporters as a
    benevolent hero, said he had voted for "change" and a "strong state."

    "For Tsarukian, it is not important how many votes he receives --
    Tsarukian wants it to be good for everyone," the grinning white-suited
    tycoon said at a polling station in his hometown Abovian.

    Turnout was 51.5 percent at 5:00 p.m. (1100 GMT), three hours before
    polls closed, the Central Election Commission said.

    Campaigning came to a chaotic finish on Friday when scores of
    gas-filled balloons exploded at a Republican party rally in Yerevan
    led by Sarkisian, unleashing a fireball into the air and injuring
    around 150 people.

    Sarkisian had been criticized for continuing Friday's campaign event
    after the incident in which scores of promotional balloons burst into
    flames as people screamed in panic.

    Around 2.5 million people were eligible to vote in the elections,
    which were contested by eight parties and one bloc.

    Some 350 European observers and 31,000 local monitors scrutinised the
    conduct of the polls.

