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Europe's Morning After

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  • Europe's Morning After

    by Thomas Lifson and Rick Moran

    American Thinker
    May 7 2012

    The smoke has nearly cleared after elections in 6 European countries
    on Sunday and Monday revealed an angry, fearful electorate who have
    tired of the pain brought by austerity measures. In France, Greece,
    Germany, Serbia, Italy, and Armenia, voters sent a clear message to
    their leaders; let's try something different.

    The consensus seems to be in favor of heading straight for the fiscal
    cliff, pedal to the metal. Today, financial markets are taking the
    measure of the implications, and it is not pretty. Tokyo, the first
    major market to open closed down almost 3%. The US stock market opened
    lower and oil dropped below $100 bbl - the result of fears that Europe
    is not serious about reducing its crushing debt. The democracies
    apparently lack the will to honestly face the realities of spending
    at levels that cannot be sustained by the taxpaying capacities of
    the populace.

    France, the most prominent example of the rejection of austerity,
    elected a socialist who has promised drastic change, and he has the
    intent and the ability carry out such a program. Richard Waghorne of
    the Daily Mail

    Francois Hollande is a man who means what he says and his rise to
    the French presidency comes at a moment when there are exceptionally
    few restraints on how far the French Socialist Party may now push
    its agenda.

    The party already controls many of the branches of French government.

    There are few institutional checks not already in the hands of his
    allies. In the hands of a resolute politician, the powers of the
    French presidency are almost breathtaking in their latitude. Most
    fundamentally, he has earned a mandate to do much of what France's
    unreconstructed left he longed to do for years.

    In view of his promise to tax millionaires at 75%, the wealthy
    of France are already making plans to relocate, as French income
    taxes stop at the border (unlike American income taxes -- we are the
    exception among major nations). Thanks to the EU, French plutocrats
    can live anywhere in the union, with no visa.

    Hollande also plans on reducing unemployment the old fashioned way --
    drastically increasing the number of government workers, thus expanding
    the welfare state even beyond the generous cradle to grave cocoon in
    which the French state lovingly wraps its citizens. He has made vague
    promises that he won't add to the debt to realize his economic goals,
    but it is very difficult to see how he can avoid it.

    Perhaps the most dangerous change in France will be its relations
    with Germany. "Merkozy" - the name given to the close partnership of
    German Chancellor Angela Merkel and former French President Nicholas
    Sarkozy - is no more. The duo worked closely together to bring the euro
    zone through several ticklish crises, and guide the EU to establish
    a stronger central bank and agree to a fiscal compact. Hollande is
    not likely to see eye to eye with the German Chancellor who believes
    that austerity is the only way to re-establish confidence by investors
    that european nations will pay back what they owe.

    And after closely watched local elections in Germany where Merkel's
    center right party was ousted from power, the Chancellor herself has
    very little room to maneuver. As the Wall Street Journal points out,
    "Ms. Merkel's options for ruling beyond 2013 are narrowing." Merkel
    has pledged to continue to push austerity measures on over-indebted
    nations like Spain and Italy, but if she is seen as something of a
    lame duck, her influence will be lessened.

    That influence will be needed in Greece. The Greeks not only
    marched over the fiscal cliff by rejecting the bail out coalition
    that negotiated the EU/IMF deal to reduce its sovereign debt, they
    decided to set the country on fire before they jumped.

    Fox News:

    Official results showed conservative New Democracy came first
    with 18.85 percent and 108 of Parliament's 300 seats. Party leader
    Antonis Samaras, who backs Greece's bailout commitments for austerity
    but has called for some changes to the bailout plan, will launch
    coalition-forming talks later in the day.

    "I understand the rage of the people, but our party will not leave
    Greece ungoverned," Samaras said after Sunday's vote.

    After receiving the mandate to start negotiations from President
    Karolos Papoulias, Samaras will have three days to strike a coalition
    deal. But that could prove impossible because even with the support
    of the only other clearly pro-bailout party elected, Socialist PASOK,
    New Democracy would fall two seats short of a governing majority.

    If the deadlock does not ease, Greece faces new elections under a
    caretaker government in mid-June, about the time it has to detail
    new drastic austerity measures worth [email protected] billion ($19 billion)
    for 2013-14.

    In June, Athens is also due to receive a ~@30 billion ($39.4 billion)
    installment of its rescue loans from the other countries in the
    17-strong eurozone and the International Monetary Fund.

    Analyst Vangelis Agapitos said protracted instability would threaten
    the country's eurozone membership. Greece's debt inspectors - the
    eurozone, IMF and European Central Bank, collectively known as the
    troika - could turn the screws by halting release of the bailout
    funds until Athens moves forward with its pledged reforms.

    If Greece fails to receive the next segment of bail out money, they
    will be in default and will almost certainly have to leave the euro
    zone. Some politicians on the far left and right bet that the EU was
    bluffing and would give them the cash even if they reneged on the
    bail out deal's strict austerity measures. That's the kind of wishful
    thinking Greek voters heeded when they went to the polls yesterday.

    The local voting in Italy on Monday is showing a public tired of
    austerity. Allies of Prime Minister Monti, who has been sidling away
    from the austerity camp in recent weeks and begun to sound more
    pro-growth in his public statements, are expected to lose ground
    in elections affecting about 900 towns in Italy. Pre-election polls
    showed a large number of undecideds but lowered support for two of
    his major coalition partners.

    Monti, a centrist technocrat, was chosen to run the country last year
    and save Italy from a Greek-like default. With no popular mandate,
    he has gleaned the straw in the wind and is gradually edging away
    from making the kind of structural changes that will save Italy
    from disaster. He will survive, but the local elections will hardly
    strengthen his hand going forward.

    In Serbia, the socialists find themselves in the cat bird seat. They
    hold the key to any coalition government that is formed and they are
    likely to side with those who want to do away with austerity.


    The Socialist Party of late strongman Slobodan Milosevic held the
    key to power in Serbia on Monday after tied elections in which voters
    angry about the country's economic woes roundly punished the ruling
    Democratic Party.

    The Democrats, part of a reformist bloc that turned Serbia westwards
    with Milosevic's ouster in 2000, saw their support crumble to 23
    percent from 38 percent in 2008, hurt by an economic downturn that
    has left a quarter of the Serbian workforce jobless.

    After years of teetering between pro-Western reformers and pro-Russian
    nationalists, Sunday's elections for president and parliament were
    marked by an unprecedented consensus between the major political
    blocs on Serbia's bid to join the European Union.

    The right-wing Serbian Progressive Party, led by former
    ultranationalists who say they now share the goal of EU accession,
    claimed the narrowest of victories in the more-important parliamentary
    vote with around 24.7 percent, but was seen struggling for coalition

    The Democrats and the Progressives will fight it out for control of
    the presidency, too, when Democrat incumbent Boris Tadic and opposition
    leader Tomislav Nikolic go head-to-head in a run-off on May 20.

    The Socialists, led by Milosevic's former spokesman Ivica Dacic,
    doubled their vote to some 16 percent and emerged as kingmakers.

    In tiny Armenia, President Serzh Sarksyan's Republican Party
    won a parliamentary election that turned on which side was more
    pro-development. Armenia, as an emerging democracy, hasn't suffered
    as much from the financial crisis as other nations who have been
    brought low by their crushing debt. Sarksyan will seek a coalition
    government with his main rival - the Prosperous Armenia Party.

    With the exception of Armenia, the elections booted or greatly damaged
    incumbent parties who had been pushing austerity as the way out of
    Europe's financial mess. Because markets are looking at the future,
    many of the consequences of this widespread rejection of reality will
    play out before the American election. It is a wild card for Obama. If
    Europe goes into crisis because its voters embraced programs like
    Obama's, what will American voters conclude? How does Obama spin that?

    Read more:

    From: Baghdasarian