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Filigree Parliament

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  • Filigree Parliament

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 17:06:41 - 07/05/2012

    The preliminary figures which the CEC published remind filigree art.

    They took care not to offend anyone, not to have anyone protest. On
    the first day following the voting during not a single party leader
    complained which is evidence that the numbers were prepared ideally.

    First of all, it should be admitted that the Republican Party and
    Prosperous Armenia received enough votes to form a coalition. Together
    these parties received 80%. In addition, even if the PA is
    dissatisfied, it is a matter of a couple of percents and it will
    hardly protest because of that. It will be reminded immediately how
    it offered bribes on the porches of polling stations.

    The Armenian National Congress cannot protest either. 7.1% is the
    limit. Any wrong word may lead to recount of votes and 7.1% may be
    reduced to 6.9%. Therefore, the Congress did not utter a single word
    on breaches or falsifications. Instead, Levon Ter-Petrosyan may boast
    for taking 6-7 people to parliament, even if the price was cooperation
    with the PA and the ARF.

    The ARF has no reason to complain. It entered the parliament although
    it could have failed. Besides, if its percents are added to PA, it will
    be a nice parliamentary group, almost 40%, which will be a platform for
    an opponent to Serzh Sargsyan in the upcoming presidential election.

    The others need not complaint. Why should they complain? They should
    have complained on the election day when voters were bribed. However,
    the political parties, especially those in the joint headquarters,
    preferred not to speak about it and not to provide legal wording
    because at that time they could not predict the results. They have
    come and now nobody will remember how the RPA and PA collected votes.

    They will not remember about the real rating of the Rule of Law
    which got as many votes as the Congress. Without the Rule of Law,
    the Republicans would have to scratch off another 5%, whereas it
    would be too much.

    In this sense, the elections are ideal. Let's take a deep breath and
    get ready for the presidential election.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress