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Azerbaijan 'targets activists' as it prepares to host Eurovision

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  • Azerbaijan 'targets activists' as it prepares to host Eurovision

    *Azerbaijan 'targets activists' as it prepares to host Eurovision *

    8 May 2012 Last updated at 22:33

    [image: Daniel Sandford] By Daniel Sandford BBC News, Baku
    [image: Idrak Abbasov lying in hospital bed with one eye covered by a
    dressing] Journalist Idrak Abbasov was filming protesters when he says he
    was attacked by guards working for a state-owned company

    Baku's Hospital Number 1 is an impressive building. It is immaculately
    clean and well equipped, a symbol of the modern state that oil-rich
    Azerbaijan wants to be. But upstairs in a hospital bed was another symbol
    of modern Azerbaijan - a badly injured journalist.

    Idrak Abbasov was lying, struggling to breathe, with a bandage around his
    head, a large cotton pad over one eye, and a brace around his chest.

    He had severe concussion, two broken ribs, and he was unsure if he would
    recover his eyesight.

    He had been filming some people who were protesting against their homes
    being destroyed by the state oil company Socar.

    I was beaten so heavily that even journalists from state companies
    called me, amazed at what happened'
    -- Idrak Abbasov Journalist

    Guards from the company had beaten him up, he said. They punched him, set
    about him with sticks and then kicked him on the ground.

    "I didn't expect them to beat me that much," he said. "They didn't just
    beat me, they wanted to kill me. If my brothers hadn't called the police,
    they probably would have killed me.

    "We hoped that there wouldn't be such attacks before Eurovision.

    "It has always been dangerous to be a journalist in Azerbaijan. Now the
    situation is deteriorating every day.

    "I was beaten so heavily that even journalists from state companies called
    me, amazed at what happened. I can't imagine what they will do to us after
    Eurovision. There are not so many of us."

    The oil company is aware of the allegations made against its security
    guards and is conducting an internal investigation.
    Spotlight on Eurovision

    The Azerbaijani capital Baku is hosting this year's Eurovision Song

    The government is hoping to put on a fantastic show, but to its dismay
    human rights activists are using the country's brief moment in the
    headlines to highlight problems that they say are getting worse.

    The president of Azerbaijan is Ilham Aliyev. He took over from his father
    Heydar Aliyev in 2003, who had been president since 1993.

    In theory Azerbaijan is a democracy, but life is made so difficult for
    opposition politicians and journalists that in the 2010 parliamentary
    elections not a single opposition deputy was elected.

    I was freed from the jail after ten days because of Eurovision. If
    there was no Eurovision I would have been in jail for 2 years or
    even 5 years.'
    -- Jamal Ali Singer

    Eynullah Fatullayev was once one of the most respected newspaper editors in

    Then in 2006 his father was kidnapped. To secure his release he had to
    close down his papers.

    The next year he was arrested and imprisoned - first for slander, and then
    for encouraging terrorism.

    He was sentenced to eight-and-a-half years, but was released last year
    after international pressure.

    He had upset the government with his reporting on Nagorno-Karabakh (an
    Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan currently occupied by Armenia) and Iran.

    But he thinks it was his investigation of the death of another journalist
    which first caused him problems.

    "I worked with Elmar Huseynov," he said. "He was editor-in-chief of Monitor
    magazine in 2005, but unfortunately some pro-governmental forces organised
    and killed him.

    "I found these persons and published all of these materials in Azerbaijan
    Musicians targeted
    [image: Jamal Ali playing the guitar] Jamal Ali uses his music to criticise
    the authorities

    Despite the Eurovision Song Contest this month, the ongoing clampdown on
    free speech includes musicians too.

    Jamal Ali is a 24-year-old singer. His music is outside the Azerbaijani
    mainstream, and often strays into politics.

    He was asked to play at a recent protest rally. His first song impolitely
    suggested that president Ilham Aliyev should "Go away".

    The police decided he should be removed from the stage. At which point he
    insulted the president, and his mother, in the most foul-mouthed way he

    In which country in the world are all the people
    satisfied... Which country does not have a blogger behind the
    bars? '
    -- Ali Hasanov Administration official

    He was arrested and taken to the police station where he says he was beaten.

    "I had a bag on my head, and I was handcuffed from the back," he said.

    "And I was sitting on the chair with my legs on another chair. And they
    were beating on my heels with a stick, a baton. For three hours for the
    first time and two hours for the second time.

    "They arrested me just because I have another opinion, I don't think like
    them, and I write songs about different stuff.

    "I was freed from the jail after 10 days because of Eurovision. If there
    was no Eurovision I would have been in jail for two years or even five
    Homes destroyed

    One of the most controversial issues in Baku at the moment is the
    destruction of people's homes to make way for new developments, among them
    a new highway along the seafront, new hotels and shopping centres and a
    giant flagpole - the biggest in the world until nearby Turkmenistan built
    one even bigger.

    Human rights groups have documented the demolitions and filmed people being
    dragged screaming from their homes, complaining that the compensation on
    offer is inadequate.

    But Ali Hasanov, a senior official in the presidential administration says
    the human rights lobby is being too harsh on the government, which he says
    has widespread support.
    [image: Ali Hasanov] Ali Hasanov says the government in Azerbaijan has the
    support of most of the country

    "Even among those whose homes have been demolished, and among journalists,
    99% are satisfied and only 1% are unhappy," he said. "In which country in
    the world are all the people satisfied?

    "Naturally, not everything is OK in Azerbaijan. But which country does not
    some of the problems you see here? Which country does not have a blogger
    behind the bars?"

    There is no doubt that Baku has been transformed with some of the country's
    vast oil and gas wealth.

    The city centre is pedestrianised. The citizens of Baku promenade on a
    summer evening, surrounded by beautifully-restored buildings. Fewer former
    Soviet cities look as good.

    The government wants to use the Eurovision Song Contest to highlight the
    best of Baku.

    But in the run-down back streets, in the ruins of people's homes where some
    are still living under the threat of the next bulldozer, there is huge

    Many people feel that the country's wealth is being controlled by a tiny
    elite, and with democracy now almost completely gone they have no say in
    the future of Azerbaijan.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress