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Was Armenia's Parliamentary Election A Step Backwards?

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  • Was Armenia's Parliamentary Election A Step Backwards?

    Was Armenia's Parliamentary Election A Step Backwards?
    May 08, 2012

    Armenia's parliamentary elections on May 6 were plagued by numerous
    violations and glitches.
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    SIZE - + May 08, 2012

    Over the past year, Armenia's President Serzh Sarkisian repeatedly
    affirmed that he was intent on ensuring that the May 6 parliamentary
    ballot would be the most democratic in Armenia's post-Soviet history.

    Armenia's foreign partners wholeheartedly supported that intention.
    U.S. Ambassador John Heffern told RFE/RL's Armenian Service last fall
    that Washington was working with Yerevan to ensure that the 2012
    parliamentary ballot and the presidential election in 2013 would be
    "the best elections ever and fully consistent with international

    The May 6 parliamentary ballot failed, however, to measure up to those
    expectations. Indeed, in two key respects it appears to have been more
    seriously flawed than the previous parliamentary election in 2007.

    True, all eight parties and one bloc that sought to register succeeded
    in doing so, and were able to campaign freely.

    But, as the International Election Observation Mission (IEOM) noted in
    a press release on May 7, pressure on voters by local officials from
    Sarkisian's Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) and election
    commissions' dismissal of many appeals and complaints "created an
    unequal playing field."

    There were numerous reports of vote-buying by the HHK. Purportedly
    charitable activities by its coalition partner Prosperous Armenia
    (BH), including the distribution of some 500 tractors in rural areas
    by a company owned by BH chairman Gagik Tsarukian, were seen by
    international election monitors as incompatible with the new electoral

    Inaccurate Electoral Rolls

    In addition, continued problems arising from inaccurate electoral
    rolls compounded voters' lack of trust in the fairness of the election

    On behalf of the Inter-Party Center for Public Oversight of the
    Elections established by BH, the opposition Armenian National Congress
    (HAK), and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (HHD), 28 members of
    the outgoing parliament appealed late last month to Armenia's
    Constitutional Court to lift the ban on publishing lists after the
    elections of those voters who cast ballots.

    The Court rejected that appeal on May 5.

    Numerous procedural violations and glitches were reported on
    polling-day, including overcrowding at polling stations and what one
    international monitor described as "less than productive" attempts by
    domestic observers or proxies from the various opposition parties to
    assume duties that are the prerogative of precinct commission

    At one polling station in Kotayk province, a precinct official
    invalidated ballot papers filled out by persons he suspected of voting
    for a party other than the HHK by placing them in the wrong ballot
    box. (Each voter was required to complete one ballot paper for the
    majoritarian candidate in his constituency and one for the nationwide
    party-list vote. They were to be deposited in separate ballot boxes.)

    Disappearing Ink

    The most publicized and potentially the most damaging glitch was the
    use of ink that faded within minutes to mark voters' passports to
    preclude multiple voting; it was supposed to disappear only after 12
    hours. (Polling stations were open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.).

    Central Election Commission Chairman Tigran Mukuchian's explanation
    that the ink faded only because the bottle had not been shaken
    vigorously before use was immediately shown to be spurious.

    These problems with marking passports led the Inter-Party Center for
    Public Oversight of the Elections to release a statement while voting
    was still going on; saying that the legality of the poll was under

    The preliminary assessment by the IEOM was equivocal. It acknowledged
    the "open and peaceful campaign," but added that "several
    stakeholders" failed to comply with the revamped election law.

    Specifically, it noted "organizational problems, undue interference in
    the process and cases of significant violations ... in a significant
    number of polling stations visited."

    Observers from the IEOM visited almost 1,000 polling stations in the
    course of the day, and gave a negative assessment of the voting that
    took place at 10 percent of them. By contrast, in 2007, the IEOM
    described voting as "good or very good" at 94 percent of polling
    stations visited.

    The vote count too was also assessed negatively this time in "almost
    one fifth" of the 102 polling stations where observers were present,
    compared with 17 percent in 2007.

    Positive Spin

    HHK spokesman Eduard Sharmazanov sought to put a positive spin on the
    observers' evaluation.

    He told RFE/RL's Armenian Service that the negative assessment of the
    voting in 10 percent of the polling stations visited means that the
    vote was "flawless" in 90 percent of the 1,982 polling stations.

    Preliminary results of the vote suggest that the HHK has increased its
    share of the parliament mandates, even though the three coalition
    members had signed a formal pledge in February 2011 not to seek to do
    so at each others' expense.

    The HHK had 62 of the 131 mandates in the outgoing parliament. It has
    reportedly won in 32 of the 41 single-mandate constituencies, in
    addition to garnering 44.05 percent of the proportional vote. That
    translates into at least 40 of the 90 mandates allocated under the
    party-list system, giving a total of at least 72.

    BH, which has 22 mandates in the outgoing parliament, is in second
    place with 30 percent of the proportional vote plus seven
    single-mandate constituencies.

    The opposition HAK polled 7.07 percent of the proportional vote,
    winning parliamentary representation for the first time. The
    opposition Heritage party garnered 5.75 percent; the HHD received 5.69
    percent; and the Law-Based State part, the third member of the ruling
    coalition, got 5.49 percent. All three were represented in the
    outgoing parliament.

    The Communist Party of Armenia, the Democratic Party of Armenia and
    the United Armenians Party failed to get the minimum 5 percent of the
    proportional vote to qualify for parliamentary representation.

    Voter turnout was measured at 62.2 percent, 10 percent higher than in 2007.

    The Inter-Party Center for Public Oversight of the Elections has still
    not commented on the election outcome, possibly because the Central
    Election Commission has not yet made public the final results.

    But senior HAK member Levon Zurabian branded the ballot "disgraceful,"
    accusing the authorities of "resorting to the full range of
    falsifications" to remain in power.
