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BAKU: Baku declares inefficiency of talks with Armenia over NK probl

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  • BAKU: Baku declares inefficiency of talks with Armenia over NK probl

    Trend, Azerbaijan
    May 8 2012

    Baku declares inefficiency of talks with Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh problem

    Azerbaijan, Baku, May 8 / Trend A.Akhundov /
    Armenia still poses a threat to peace and stability in South Caucasus,
    and continues its occupation of Azerbaijani territories. If it goes
    on, the Azerbaijani authorities, will demonstrate their will using all
    means, Azerbaijani Presidential Administration Social and Political
    Department Chief Ali Hasanov said on Tuesday, answering journalists'
    questions about the 20th anniversary of Shusha's occupation.

    "Azerbaijan has repeatedly condemned the inhumane activities of the
    Armenians, condemned them for endangering peace and stability in South
    Caucasus. Azerbaijan denounces and condemns the steps undertaken by
    Armenia that complicate the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict," Hasanov said.

    He said that in this regard Azerbaijan has raised the issue at the
    relevant global institutions.

    "Negotiations, held with the Armenians, are still ineffective,"
    Presidential Administration department chief stressed.

    Armenian troops carried out a military operation on May 8, 1992 to
    occupy Shusha. Artillery shots were fired over the city which
    continued up to 6 pm. Over 1,000 Armenian soldiers attacked Shusha
    from three sides.

    Some 248 historical facilities, eight museums, one photo gallery,
    eight music schools and tens of cultural facilities lie under Armenian
    occupation in Shusha.

    During Shusha's occupation, hundreds of innocent people died, nearly
    60 citizens, including women and children were taken prisoners and are
    missing. Most have not been released yet. Nearly 22,000 people became
