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Estonia's Herkel: no direct violations in Armenian elections

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  • Estonia's Herkel: no direct violations in Armenian elections

    Baltic News Service / - BNS
    May 7, 2012 Monday 3:44 PM EET

    Estonia's Herkel: no direct violatiions in Armenian elections

    TALLINN, May 07, BNS - Andres Herkel, who took part in the Armenian
    parliamentary elections in the composition of the delegation of the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe said that the
    elections left him a better impression than expected and there were no
    actual violations.

    Herkel said that he was observing elections for the first time in
    Armenia and that the Armenian elections had been accompanied with
    prejudices. "In a couple of last times a rather favorable assessment
    had been given by international observers that was followed by some
    major bullshit."

    In major outlines, Herkel said, the elections were quite like
    elections. "There were no official results yet but exit polls showed
    that six parties could cross the electoral threshold."

    Herkel said that the power block would probably not change but the
    proportions could change within the coalition as the president's party
    would apparently lose seats and the Flowering Armenia party set up by
    the wealthy businessman, Gagik Tsarukyan, would gain a considerable
    number of more votes,

    Herkel said that the presidential elections to take place next year
    would be even more important, as the Armenian system is very

    In addition to Herkel also Juku-Kalle Raid and Liisa-Ly Pakosta took
    part in the observation of the Armenian parliamentary elections in the
    composition of the Estonian delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly
    of OSCE.
    Tallinn newsroom, +372 610 8863, [email protected]
    Baltic News Service

    From: A. Papazian